17 incredible facts about our body

The human body is a complex mechanism, hiding in itself a huge number of different tricks and secrets. You know about some of them, but you do not even know a part about it. Let's try to slightly open the veil of secrecy.

1. Hydrochloric acid, which is produced in the stomach, is so strong that it can even dissolve the blade entirely.

2. A person can live without a stomach, 75% of the liver, one kidney, 80% of the intestine, spleen, one lung and any of the organs located in the groin area.

3. Human skin is renewed every 2 to 4 weeks. Because of this, annually, we lose up to 0.7 kg of dead epidermis scales.

4. Human bones are very resistant to the effects of weight on them. A small bone - the size of a matchbox - for example, can withstand a load of up to 9 tons.

5. With age, the color of the eyes can change. True, only a minor change in shade is considered safe, with cardinal changes - from brown to green or blue, for example, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a number of serious health problems.

6. The surface area of ​​the human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​the tennis court.

7. A small strand of hair can safely hold on weight two young elephants.

8. A person can live 3 weeks without food, but will die after 11 days of insomnia.

9. If you lose your little finger, your hand will become weaker by about 50%.

10. The strongest muscle in the human body is chewing.

11. The length of the small intestine is approximately 6 meters.

12. The body passes about 96 thousand kilometers of blood vessels.

13. The eyes of albinos in a certain light seem reddish or purple because reflected light passes through blood vessels, and the shading pigment present in the iris is not enough to color it in any of the "traditional" colors.

14. With a healthy person a day comes to 1.5 liters of sweat.

15. The own heat of the human body, produced in half an hour, will be enough to boil water in the kettle.

16. The amount of saliva produced by human glands throughout life is enough to fill a couple of pools.

17. The flexibility of the fingers and the ability to twist the language are inherited.