25 unusual diseases that can not be scientifically explained

There are such diseases as colds - well studied, treatable, leaving almost no traces. But besides them, there is a huge number of rare ailments that are not clear where they come from, and doctors do not even know how to deal with them.

Their symptoms are different: from simple eruptions, to deformations of bones. Some patients get a lot of discomfort, while others live happily with them and do not notice any inconvenience. Below is a list of the most unusual diseases of all known for today.

1. Syndrome of foreign accent

The syndrome of a foreign accent is an external disorder, because of which a person suddenly starts to miscalculate speech, as foreigners usually do. Scientists suggest that the symptoms may be associated with a stroke or multiple sclerosis. But this theory has no confirmation.

2. Burning mouth syndrome

People who complain of regular attacks of acute pain in the mucosa, in the tongue, lips, gums, cheeks, may be victims of the burning mouth syndrome. Where does the disease come from, and how to treat it, experts do not know yet.

3. Laughing death

There is an opinion that laughter is the best medicine. But it is not completely true. There are cases when people died laughing. Sometimes too strong a fit of fun can lead to choking and heart failure.

4. Allergy to water

The land is 70% water, about the same amount of fluid in the human body. Because people with allergies to water or aquatic urticaria have a hard time. Dangers lie in wait for them everywhere. When in contact with water, the skin of people with this diagnosis begins to become covered with a shallow red rash.

5. Schizophrenia

Experts in the sweat of the face are working to find out the causes of the disease. You can sin on genes, viruses, birth injuries and many other factors, but nothing concrete has yet been reached by scientists. Schizophrenia still remains an incurable severe chronic mental disorder affecting the thoughts, feelings and behavior of the patient.

6. Constant genital agitation

Patients with such a diagnosis are excited for no apparent reason and may remain in this state for months. Of course, this affects the quality of life and emotional state of the patient.

7. Syndrome "Alice in Wonderland"

This is a very interesting disease, because of which patients suddenly begin to feel that either they themselves, or the room in which they are, increases or decreases in size. Doctors are inclined to the fact that the syndrome causes such factors as craniocerebral trauma, epilepsy, frequent migraines.

8. Möbius syndrome

This is a neurological disease, because of which a person can not move the muscles of the face. That is, patients are not able to smile, frown, look sideways. Doctors do not know the exact cause of Mobius syndrome development, but sin on genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

9. Calf bleeding syndrome

This is a relatively new disease, which was first diagnosed in Britain. Calves, suffering from an unknown disease, fever and blood began to bleed healthy and unharmed skin. Those who are unhappy with this diagnosis usually die. Scientists are actively working on studying the causes and possible methods of treating the syndrome.

10. Syndrome of the working hand

A strange illness is manifested by pain, numbness, tingling, burning in the hands and forearms. At night, the symptoms intensify. None of the studies did not confirm the presence of muscle or nerve damage, so where the syndrome comes from is a mystery.

11. Porphyria

The disease develops against the background of excessive production of porphyrin in the body. Due to porphyria, serious problems can develop. Patients complain of vomiting, itching, cramps and many other symptoms. But the worst thing - porphyria can lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. For the fact that ultraviolet rays can seriously damage the patient's epidermis, the ailment was nicknamed "vampire disease".

12. Syndrome of a jumping Frenchman from Maine

To pull out because of a sharp loud sound is a normal reaction. For a small fright, the instinct of self-preservation is responsible. In people with this syndrome, the reaction is exaggerated to absurdity. Frightened, they jump off on quite impressive distances, start waving their hands, repeating some phrases, swearing. The reasons for this behavior are still unclear, but doctors believe that the syndrome can be preceded by a neuropsychiatric disorder.

13. Disease of blue skin

It is very rare and is transmitted at the gene level. Blueing of the skin is due to an abnormally high level of methhemoglobin in the patient's blood. The most famous case of this disease is the Fugate family from Kentucky. Almost all members had blue skin, but very strong immunity.

14. The walking dead man's syndrome

Or Kotar syndrome. Patients with this diagnosis are convinced that they are partially or completely dead. Many patients seriously believe that they are no longer alive and refuse to accept evidence to the contrary.

15. Chronic inexplicable cough

Coughing is normal. With its help the body clears the lungs. But if the cough lasts longer than eight weeks and is not accompanied by any other symptoms, it is called inexplicable.

16. Chronic orchialgia

Simply put - a chronic unjustified pain in the testes. Not knowing the exact reasons for his appearance, doctors do not have the opportunity to treat the disease.

17. Syndrome of someone else's hand

Or the syndrome of Dr. Strenglava. This disease is very rare and is manifested in the fact that a person loses control over his own hands. So, for example, the hand of one patient moved independently and stroked the "mistress" by her hair and face. The woman could not control this process, although it was impossible to understand from the outside.

18. Duncan's Dermatosis

Dermatological disease, in which the skin is covered with a dirty coating throughout the patient's body. "Dirty" Dermatosis Duncan is often mistaken for other diseases, because before the patient is diagnosed correctly, he usually undergoes a lot of unnecessary procedures and research.

19. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Patients with this diagnosis feel all the electromagnetic impulses in the district. It reacts to them each in its own way. Some patients blush skin, others start to feel burning and itching. Some complain of nausea, dizziness, general deterioration of health. The disease belongs to the category of contentious, because scientists can not decide what it is - mental or physiological.

20. Polydactylism

Patients with this diagnosis from birth have more toes on their limbs. Most of them consist only of skin, but there were cases when the processes were full-bodied - with bones and joints. Since the anomaly occurs sporadically, it is difficult to determine its cause.


The disease is also called werewolf syndrome. It is expressed by the growth of excessive amounts of hair on the body. It is not easy to treat ailment. Many experts recommend that patients turn to laser hair removal.

22. Cronchitis-Canada Syndrome

It manifests itself in different ways: loss of appetite, the formation of polyps in the intestines, hair loss, brittle nails. More often, Cronchitis-Canada syndrome is diagnosed in people over 50 years. The reasons for its appearance have not yet been studied.

23. Hailey-Hailey Disease

Rare genetic disease, manifested blistering and erosion in the underarm zone, on the neck, in the folds of the skin, on the genitals.

24. Perry-Romberg Syndrome

The main symptom of the syndrome is the thinning of the facial tissues from one side. Deformations are accompanied by convulsions, severe pain.

25. Cicero

It develops from childhood and consists in the desire of man to eat inedible things: soap, dirt, ice, earth, plastic, rubber and others. The more the ailment develops, the greater the danger it poses - the probability of poisoning increases.