How to bake firewood?

Today we will tell you how to bake delicious and mouth-watering brushwood at home. Remember, it was this kind of dainty indulged us in childhood grandmothers and mothers? Let's cook it together and enjoy the warm memories and excellent, incomparable taste of ruddy and crispy dessert.

How correctly to bake firewood at home on kefir?



The twigs on this recipe, thanks to kefir, are more lush and soft than its classic versions.

To make a dough for such a treat, treat the eggs with sugar, then pour kefir and vegetable oil without flavor, pour soda, vanillin and once again we punch the mass with a blender. Now sprinkle a little sifted wheat flour and make a knead of a non-sticky dough, which is then rolled out to a thickness of three to four millimeters and cut into diamonds. Each diamond is cut inside and we rotate one edge through the hole.

We load the billets alternately into vegetable oil boiling in a frying pan or in a saucepan and brown them on two sides.

When ready, we rub the surface of the firewood with powdered sugar and serve it to the table.

How to bake delicious crunchy firewood on mineral water?



Incredibly delicious firewood is obtained on mineral water. In addition, vodka is added to the dough, which greatly enhances the crispy properties of the ready-made delicacy, and brown sugar, which gives the taste of firewood a peculiar zest.

To implement this recipe, pour carbonated mineral water into a bowl, pour sugar to it, pour salt and vanillin, and pour in vodka and vegetable oil without flavor. Stir everything in a careful way, and then pour in small portions of flour sifted, and produce a knead. The texture of the dough should be dense, homogeneous, plastic and absolutely not sticky. We form a ball from it, cover it with a cut of food film and let it stand for about twenty to thirty minutes.

Now roll out the dough, dividing it initially into several parts, until the formation is thick to three millimeters and cut it into rhombuses or rectangles. At the center of each notch with a knife and twist through the resulting hole one edge.

We warm thoroughly in the frying pan the oil for deep-frying and put into it portions of the billet. We give them a brown on one and the other side, after which we lay out on a dish, decorate with powdered sugar and enjoy.

How quickly to bake a delicious brushwood?



This recipe for preparation of brushwood without a liquid base like water or kefir, and involves the use of only yolks and vodka. Products are just tender and melt in the mouth.

We rinse the yolks in the bowl, adding vodka or cognac and vanillin, and then pour the sifted flour and make a kneading of a tight, not sticky dough. We roll it thinly, cut it into rhombuses or rectangles and just like in the previous versions we skip one edge through the cut along the center of the workpiece.

We fry products in boiling oil, rub with sugar powder and enjoy.