Why snakes in the water?

Even today, many people experience anxiety and primitive fear before snakes. Since ancient times, these beings symbolize a hidden threat and danger. If you happen to dream of a snake in the water, consider that your subconscious mind warns you that you need to be on your guard.

Why snakes in the water?

Depending on the dream book, the versions of what the snake dreams about in the water, there are several. Unfortunately, not a single treatment is comforting. But it is forewarned that it means that it is armed and, having received such a sign, it is possible to prepare in advance for the future difficulties. So, let's look at the popular versions of what snakes in the water are dreaming about:

The most favorable option - if you saw how the snake floats, or creeps into the water. In this case, expect a career growth, a positive move to a new place, or a favorable change in complex cases.

What does the snake's bite dream about in the water?

If you swam in a dream, and accidentally stepped on a snake - it portends disappointment and danger. But if it bites you, you can treat sleep according to one of these options:

It is worth paying attention also to the number of snakes. So, for example, if they are a whole tangle, then one can talk about conflicts with the collective or a negative attitude toward you of a certain group of people. It may also mean that someone will interfere with the successful completion of an important matter for you, and it is up to you whether you will cope. If the snakes threateningly hiss, expect difficulties and prepare for a difficult decision. However, even here there are exceptions: if all the snakes in the ball are white, then you will have great luck.