Rain at Easter - signs

Our ancestors believed that observing various natural phenomena can predict not only the weather for the next months, but also whether the year will be productive and many other events. Knowledge will take about rain on Easter can help and modern man, because these beliefs are often quite truthful.

What does it mean if it rains on Easter?

Since ancient times it was considered a good sign, if on Easter Sunday the weather sharply deteriorated, clouds appeared in the sky and began to rain . Our grandparents interpreted this event as follows, firstly, if it rains on Easter and it's cold to wait in the street for a rich harvest of bread this year, which means that there is practically no danger of famine due to lack of grain. Secondly, they believed that such weather indicates a long and rather cold spring, but a hot and at the same time not arid summer.

Another reason why our ancestors were happy, if it rains on Easter, is the belief that this event indicates that we can expect a rich harvest of flax. Of course, this belief was born in the regions where flax was grown, by the way, there it exists to this day. There is no such belief in the northern regions, but people living there are sure that if it rains on Easter, it is a sure sign of the appearance of a large number of mushrooms and berries in the coming summer.

As you can see, most of the Easter beliefs about rainfall and bad weather are related to the yield of grain crops or forest products. For our grandparents it was important to understand whether to expect a hungry year, or, conversely, you do not need to worry about such a danger. For a modern person, such knowledge can also come in handy, signs and folk beliefs are often guided by summer residents who want to collect a rich harvest in autumn, or lovers of so-called forest hunting.

True, there are several more explanations of what it means to rain on Easter , no longer related to the predictions expected in summer and spring of the weather, or to the cultivation of various crops. It is believed that a person caught in a downpour on Easter Sunday will be protected from misfortunes and failures for the entire current year. Where did this belief come from, it is difficult to say exactly how to assess its truthfulness, but this sign exists today.

Another unusual prediction on this day says the following, if you hear thunder on this Sunday and see lightning, you can not only expect that in the near future you will be lucky in all undertakings, but also to improve your financial situation. Of course, to say whether this is in fact, or such an interpretation of rain and thunderstorms at Easter, only a beautiful fairy tale is impossible. But when it comes to matters that accepts superstitions, each person can decide only on his own, whether he believes in a prediction or not.

By the way, there is a belief connected also with the Jewish Easter, which comes about a week before the Orthodox holiday. It is believed that if the weather is clear on the Jewish holiday, one should expect an arid or, conversely, a cold summer, which will lead to the fact that the harvest will not be too great. The rain on this day promises a hot, but at the same time, fruitful summer months, and in the case when the weather is cloudy, but not a single rain drop has spilled, it is worth waiting for the heat, but for a small crop.

Carefully watching the weather on this day, as well as the Orthodox Easter, you will be able to predict what the summer will be like, whether to wait for the harvest, and, perhaps, even to bring luck to your house.