Femilac for pregnant women

Femilak is a dry mixture for pregnant women, based on cow's milk of the highest quality. It is intended for the balanced nutrition of women throughout the entire period of bearing of the child. The mixture can be administered to nursing mothers who need additional nutrition, to increase lactation.

What does Femilak consist of?

The main component in the composition of Femilac for pregnant women is a high-quality protein. So, only 200 ml of the prepared mixture satisfies the daily requirement of the organism in the protein of animal origin.

Due to the fact that the mixture is enriched with whey proteins, its amino acid composition is improved, in comparison with other similar mixtures. Thus, the ratio between the protein casein and other proteins is 30:70.

To complete the formation of the nervous system of the baby, the amino acid taurine is added to the Femilac, and for the normal course of the pregnancy the mixture contains 11 minerals and 13 vitamins.

How to apply Femilak?

Before you start to use this tool, you should consult a doctor, tk. Possible contraindications for use, taking into account individual characteristics.

According to the instruction, 40 g dry substance of the mixture per day is enough, which corresponds to 9 measuring spoons (it comes with a mixture).

As already mentioned above, sledding can be used by nursing mothers. Its composition is balanced in such a way that increasing the lactation, the drug does not contribute to weight gain nursing. The product contains a small amount of fat. However, despite this, the cooked mixture is sufficiently caloric - 179 kcal in 200 ml of the prepared mixture.

How do doctors respond about this tool?

Comments on the mixture for pregnant Femilak are exceptionally positive. In rare cases, a reaction is possible in those women whose body does not tolerate milk protein.

Many future mothers, hearing about this tool, are wondering where you can buy a mixture for pregnant women Femilak. Such funds, like other drugs for expectant mothers, are widely represented in the pharmacy network.

Thus, it can be said that the mixture of Femilak refers to those drugs that not only promote lactation, but also positively affect the condition of bones, nails and hair in pregnant women.