Dietary curd casserole

Cottage cheese is a sour-milk cheese product obtained by fermenting milk and subsequent separation of whey. In addition, cottage cheese is an excellent dietary product containing many vitamins and trace elements that are valuable for the human body. Regular inclusion in the menu of cottage cheese and dishes from it is a normal traditional food practice for the countries of Eastern and Northern Europe. Cottage cheese can be eaten unchanged with the addition of cream, sour cream, yogurt, honey, nuts, fruit and vegetable additives. Also from cottage cheese it is possible to prepare various dietary dishes, for example, casseroles, they are good for growing thin and preservation of harmony of a figure.

How to cook diet cottage cheese casseroles?

By the fat content, cottage cheese is distinguished: bold (19-23%), classical (4-18%), low-fat (1.8%) and fat-free (less than 1.8%). It is a mistake to think that only lean and fat-free cottage cheese is suitable for diets. The most successful choice - cottage cheese is classic or low-fat, however, it is also a matter of individual dietary recommendations and preferences.

Classical curd diet casserole



Cottage cheese in a bowl with a fork, if it's dry, we'll add a little cream, sour cream or milk. Season with vanilla or cinnamon. We drive in eggs and, gradually adding sifted flour, knead the dough, it should not be too thick or, conversely, liquid (we regulate the consistency with milk, cream or sour cream). Thoroughly mix.

Lubricate the form with oil and fill it with curd dough. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius.

The casserole is easily removed from the mold by turning it over the dish, before serving and cutting into portions, lightly cool it. To increase the usefulness of the diet curd casserole, you can reduce the amount of flour to 2-3 tablespoons and include in the well-soaked in milk cereal (oat or multi-grain).

If you want to make a diet cottage cheese casserole without eggs, increase the amount of flour and liquid (milk or other used ingredient).

Serve casserole with sour cream, or better - with unsweetened medium-fat yoghurt or sour-milk drinks, you can with compotes or teas.

A delicate dietary curd-banana casserole can be prepared by incorporating 1 banana in the curd. The pulp of the banana can be kneaded with a fork, crushed with a blender or cut into pieces. It is better to use bananas small, medium ripeness or slightly immature - they are tastier and more useful.

Approximately acting in this way, it is easy to prepare a carrot-curd casserole, this dish is more suitable for lunch or dinner. In the curd pastry include grated carrots, you can also add chopped greens and ground spices (coriander, red pepper, garlic squeezed). Cinnamon or Vanilla is excluded.

Very useful curd diet pudding can be cooked with pumpkin. This dish is especially useful for baby food and for male power.

In the composition of the cottage cheese dough (see above the basic recipe) we include about 150 g of pulverized pulp pulp.

We brought only some recipes of curd dietetic casseroles, if you understand the principle and idea of ​​cooking, include imagination, you will certainly get delicious and interesting dishes, most importantly - do not include sugar and honey in the test.