Contraceptives for men

As a rule, it is believed that a woman should protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy. However, in the life of a woman there is already a huge number of worries and it's not always possible to keep track of everything at once. Therefore, a strong sex is also obliged to take care of this. Guided by this, partly selfish conclusion, let's talk about male contraception.

So, referring to contraceptives for men, the first to come to mind, of course, condoms. However, despite the rather large selection of colors, lengths and flavors, men dislike them. Why? Because as soon as a man ceases to feel danger, he immediately tries to get rid of unnecessary, in his opinion, part of sexual contact - a condom. Even without realizing that this is the most ideal option for men, as with proper use condoms are 98% protection against unwanted pregnancy and the risk of infection with STDs.

In addition to condoms, male contraception has many methods. Today we will review the most effective and reliable of them.

Contraceptives for men - tablets

Oral contraceptives for men, as a rule, contain a large dose of hormones, which affects the drive and quality of the sperm of a man. However, many pharmaceutical giants are still working to create a safe and effective means. At the moment, there are several of the most common hormonal methods:

Hormonal contraceptives for men, perhaps, is not the best way out. Abuse of this method of contraception can lead to the development of tumor processes in the testicles, as well as cause the disease - "azoospermia" (complete absence of sperm in seminal fluid).

Contraceptives for men - gel

Quite recently, scientists have been able to open a type of contraceptive for men in the form of a hormonal gel that contains male and female hormones (testosterone and progestin). The new drug is a gel, which must be applied daily. In the study, it was found that when using hormonal gel in 89% of men, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate significantly decreased.

Scientists note that this type of contraception has virtually no side effects, but the drug is under development and requires further research.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that male contraception is sufficiently effective. According to the survey, 97.6% of men are ready to be protected. But in practice, 17% of the men interviewed admitted that they never use contraceptive methods. Perhaps, therefore, the fair sex is not yet ready to completely shift responsibility to men. In the end, women become pregnant, so they should also think about methods of contraception.