Ceiling Plaster

Many who have experienced the repair of an apartment or house, they know that it is impossible to do without finishing the ceiling. Plastering the ceiling is one of the most difficult tasks, which is much more difficult than plastering walls. But, despite all the difficulties and inconveniences, this process is still the most in demand in construction work.

Let's look at the very concept of "plaster". The plaster is a applied layer that performs the function of leveling the surface. Painting, decorative putty or any other option of finishing the ceiling is applied already on a flat surface. Final repair works do not tolerate the presence of holes, humpbacks and roughness. They are very noticeable and will not look aesthetically pleasing, which is why the ceiling leveling procedure is carried out.

There are two so-called ways of leveling the ceiling - "dry" and "wet". "Dry" method involves the use of various overlaid plates (for example, drywall), while creating a completely new surface. In the "wet" version use different solutions, mixtures and leveling the ceiling with plaster.

Materials for plastering

Now many kinds of mixtures for ceiling plaster are on the market. We will consider only the two most popular - a cement-lime mixture and gypsum.

Cement-lime I plaster excellently absorbs sputum, and also very moisture resistant. But such a mixture is not often used for ceiling treatment. After all, it is not very well in contact with concrete and because of its inelasticity, does not withstand even minimal deformation of the surface. Moreover, such a process does not take place in new buildings, where it is necessary to additionally take into account the time for shrinking the house. To all of the above, we add that cement-lime plaster is a very difficult task, which can be handled only by experienced specialists.

The most famous of the gypsum mixes is rotband. It has won the market by its availability and relative cheapness. This material has great flexibility, lightness and absorbs moisture well.

Preparing the ceiling for plastering

If the ceiling has seams from the joint of concrete slabs, then these seams need to be cleaned. And if the ceiling surface is made of a monolith, be sure to remove all the grease spots on it. Degrease can be done with acetone or a solvent.

It is necessary to check the ceiling for the presence of lagging pieces of concrete. They sometimes appear because of hammer blows in the places where the pipes are held. The place where any part of concrete is unreliable holds better.

After all the work on cleaning the ceiling, you must proceed to the primer. Priming should be carefully, not saving the solution. In this case, any primer with the mark "for deep penetration" is suitable.

The next stage is the layout of the ceiling. The horizontal line is repulsed around the perimeter of the room. To make it convenient to use it, it is done approximately at eye level.

Application of plaster

Before applying plaster, it is worthwhile to set up beacons. The lighthouses are level with the horizontal, which is on the wall. Stucco mixture is applied by a large layer, which should protrude slightly behind the beacons. Unnecessary residue is removed. If you need a thick layer that exceeds 2 cm, apply 2 balls of plaster, with the second layer lying down only after the first layer dries completely. Finishing of the ceiling with gypsum plaster (rattan) is done by reinforcement of the ceiling surface with nets.

Ceilings are often prepared for painting or whitewashing . But not necessarily the final version will be paint. You can use decorative plaster on the ceiling. With the help of this kind of specialists will be able to embody on the surface of various drawings, make an imitation of stone or other natural materials.