Color index of blood

The properties of erythrocytes are due to the hemoglobin contained in them. Its number reflects the color index of blood - one of the parameters of clinical analysis of biological fluid. Today it is considered to be a little outdated, as modern high-tech equipment in laboratories provides computerized measurements of red blood cells with an accurate indication of their various characteristics.

What is the color index in the blood test?

The described parameter is the relative content of the hemoglobin protein or its specific gravity in one red blood cell relative to the conditioned extra-systemic unit, equal to 31.7 pg (picogram).

The designation of a color index in a blood test is intuitive - a CP or CP, it is difficult to confuse it with other characteristics of a biological fluid.

The considered property of red cells is calculated, for its definition the formula is used:

CP = (hemoglobin level (g / l) * 3) / first 3 digits in the value of red blood cell concentration.

It should be noted that the number of red blood cells is taken without taking into account the comma, for example, if it is 3.685 million / μl, then the used value will be 368. When the concentration of red bodies is determined to tenth (3.6 million / μl), the third digit is 0, in the submitted example - 360.

Knowing what the color indicator in the blood test means, and how it is calculated, it is possible to conditionally diagnose certain diseases and pathological conditions associated with a deficiency or excess of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

The norm of the CPU is from 0.85 (in some laboratories - from 0.8) to 1.05. Deviations from these values ​​indicate violations in the system of blood formation, a lack of B vitamins and folic acid, pregnancy.

The color index of blood is lowered or increased

As a rule, the value considered is calculated for the diagnosis of anemia. Depending on the results obtained, you can identify:

  1. Hypochromic anemia . In this case, the CPU is less than 0.8.
  2. Normochromic anemia. The amount of hemoglobin in each erythrocyte remains within normal limits.
  3. Hyperchromic anemia. The CPU exceeds 1.05.

The causes of these conditions can be not only pregnancy and a deficiency of substances necessary for the formation of hemoglobin (vitamins, iron), but also malignant tumors, severe forms of autoimmune diseases.