How to restore the intestinal microflora?

Such a problem as intestinal dysbacteriosis is familiar to many. This is not a disease, but a rather unpleasant condition that occurs when certain components of normal microflora prevail in a quantitative ratio. Consider how to quickly restore the intestinal microflora and prevent the further development of dysbiosis.

Why is it necessary to restore normal intestinal microflora?

First, bacteria living in the intestine are responsible for the state of the body's immune system. When the balance of their quantitative ratio is disturbed, immunity is significantly reduced.

Secondly, dysbacteriosis prevents the normal digestion of food and reduces the absorption of vitamins and trace elements. There are processes of fermentation and decay.

Thirdly, the disturbance of microflora entails the appearance of such disorders as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Restoring intestinal microflora medical products and preparations

There are such forms of production of special medicines:

Consider the most effective and popular ones:

Preparations for reconstitution of intestinal microflora in tablets :

  1. Bifiform.
  2. Bifidumbacterin Forte.
  3. Lactobacterin.
  4. Atzilact.
  5. Linex.

Drugs that repair the intestinal microflora in the form of a syrup :

  1. Dufalac.
  2. Normase.
  3. Portalac.
  4. Romfalak.
  5. Biovestin Lacto.

Candles for the restoration of intestinal microflora:

  1. Lactonorm Plus.
  2. Bifidumbacterin.
  3. Atzilact.

Drugs in drops for the restoration of intestinal microflora:

  1. Hilak forte.
  2. BioGaia.

Means for restoration of intestinal microflora in powder:

  1. Vitanar.
  2. The probiophore.
  3. Biobactone.
  4. Florin Forte.

How to restore the intestinal microflora with folk remedies?

Among the popular recipes the most effective:

  1. Before meals, drink about 50 ml of warm cabbage brine.
  2. Every day eat a few berries cranberries. You can and fresh and dried.
  3. On an empty stomach, use a clove of garlic or a teaspoon of alcoholic garlic tincture.
  4. Instead of tea, drink herbal decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain, raspberry leaf and currant (black).
  5. In most of the salads add grated sour apples.

Restoration of the intestinal microflora with folk remedies should be combined with compliance with the diet. It is necessary to give preference to dietary varieties of meat and fish, to enrich the diet with fruits and fiber. In addition, it is very important to use a sufficient amount of pure or mineral water (at least 300 ml for every 10 kg of weight). It is useful to include daily on the menu sour-milk products, preferably home-made. They are rich in natural bacteria that will help suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora and normalize the balance.

The better to restore the intestinal microflora during pregnancy?

To protect the health of the baby, you need to be treated exclusively with natural preparations. These include syrups based on lactulose, the most effective today is Dufalac. It can be used for a long time without side effects and complications.

If the dysbacteriosis causes only minor discomfort, it is advisable to allow the body to restore the microflora on its own. It is only necessary to adjust the diet and replenish it with fermented milk products.

Than it is possible to restore a microflora of an intestine at children?

The child's growing body is not as fragile as it seems. Therefore, in the first few days of an intestinal disorder, you do not need to feed your baby with pills. It is enough to limit the consumption of sweet and flour dishes, increase the number of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as juices from them in the baby's nutrition. Only in the presence of serious problems is recommended the use of medications, for example, Bifiform Baby.