Dry paroxysmal cough

Coughing is one of the most unpleasant companions of colds, and sometimes other more serious diseases. But it helps to remove bronchial secretions and foreign particles from the respiratory tract.

Why develop a paroxysmal cough?

The appearance of a cough indicates various inflammatory processes in the lungs caused by viruses, infections, chemical or thermal damage, as well as ingress of foreign bodies into the airways.

Diseases that are the causes of the onset of dry cough

Cough can also occur against the background:

It is worth noting that a dry paroxysmal cough is worse than a wet one, since the mucus from the bronchi does not depart and begins to accumulate in the respiratory tract, therefore, in case of such an unpleasant symptom, urgent medical attention is needed.

If a dry paroxysmal cough occurs without a temperature, then this may indicate the development of asthma or an allergic reaction, as well as the ingress of an object into the respiratory tract, air pollution with dust, gases, smoke, etc. But if antihistamines are powerless, and such the cough did not pass independently for 1-2 days, it can also talk about the development of inflammatory processes in the human respiratory system or about the disease of the cardiovascular system ( cardiac cough ). Therefore, a thorough examination is needed to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Treatment of dry paroxysmal cough

Of course, the basis of therapy for any type of cough lies in the identification of the root cause and pathogen:

  1. If a cough arose against the background of pneumonia, or other infectious and bacterial infection, suppuration ensued, then antibiotics and sulfonamides are needed.
  2. Also, with a painful paroxysm of suffocating cough, antitussives with codeine or dionine are prescribed, but they are not used in a number of lung diseases suppuration of the course of the disease.
  3. For better separation of sputum, expectorants and alkaline inhalants can be prescribed, and if cough is accompanied by bronchospasm, additional bronchodilators are prescribed.
  4. Allergic cough is treated with antihistamines and hormones, but only in difficult cases.
  5. When a foreign body enters the bronchial tree, emergency and emergency hospitalization in the hospital is required. If cough is caused by heart disease or neurological disorders, then you need to seek help from a specialized doctor.