Breathing is easy - treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Bronchitis is quite serious and, at the same time, a common disease. Many people neglect to consult a doctor for this disease, relying on their own experience and practicing self-medication. However, one should know that bronchitis can lead to serious complications if untimely or incorrect treatment, or go into a chronic form. So, often, patients seek medical help when the lungs are involved in the inflammatory process, and more complex treatment is required.

Obstructive bronchitis is one of the types of bronchitis in which the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bronchi is accompanied by a narrowing of their lumen (obstruction) and a violation of the passage of air. This is due to increased sputum formation or bronchospasm. The most common cause of the disease is a viral infection, but it can also be caused by pathogenic bacterial flora and the effects of various allergens.

The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis:

With rapid progression of the process, there may be signs of respiratory failure:

This condition requires urgent medical attention.

Diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis

In order to select the right treatment program, a number of diagnostic activities are required, including:

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Treatment of uncomplicated obstructive bronchitis is carried out at home. The main requirements during the treatment period:

Drug therapy, first of all, is aimed at restoring bronchial patency, enlarging their lumen and improving blood circulation in them. As a rule, the main drugs in the treatment of the disease are:

Antiviral drugs may also be prescribed, and for bacterial obstructive bronchitis or when a bacterial infection with marked manifestations is attached, antibiotics. If obstructive bronchitis is caused by non-infectious causes, antiallergic drugs may be prescribed. Antitussives are prescribed only for an obsessive cough (at night).

Physiotherapy is prescribed to facilitate sputum discharge and ventilation of the lungs:

In most cases, obstructive bronchitis responds well to treatment.

Measures to prevent obstructive bronchitis: