Vasomotor rhinitis - treatment

Classify two forms of vasomotor rhinitis: allergic and neurovegetative.

Allergic vasomotor rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is divided into seasonal and permanent. Seasonal is called pollen, it occurs during the flowering period of various plants (linden, poplar, ragweed) as a reaction to pollen.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

Symptoms of hay fever: sneezing attacks, abundant liquid discharge from the nose, weakness, headache. These symptoms pass on their own after the end of flowering of the plant-allergen.

Permanent allergic rhinitis can occur throughout the year due to exposure to various allergens. These are food products (honey, citrus fruits, fish), medicines, perfumes, dust, animal wool, etc. With an exacerbation, symptoms are observed: sneezing, copious fluid discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing, itching in the ears, eyes, nose.

The exact diagnosis is made after consultation of the otolaryngologist and allergologist-immunologist.

Medicamentous treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

For medicinal treatment of allergic vasomotor rhinitis the following drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines. These drugs relieve itching, sneezing, discharge from the nose. These include drugs of general action - Claritin, Kestin, Loratadin, as well as local - Kromosol, Allergodil, Histimet, etc.
  2. Vasoconstrictors - eliminate nasal congestion (Naphthyzine, Pharmazoline, Nazol, etc.).
  3. Hormonal preparations of local action (corticosteroids) are most effective in the treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis. These drugs are more safe, eliminate all the symptoms of rhinitis. These include: Nazonex, Aldetsin, Nazocort, etc.

Neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis

Neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis is associated with impaired neural mechanisms. It arises under the action of endocrine changes in the body, reflex action on the mucous membrane of the nose. Symptoms are the same as in allergic rhinitis. However, they are of a variable nature. Often, seizures occur after sleep, when food changes, air temperature, sharp odors, emotional stress, etc.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with laser

Treatment of neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis is aimed primarily at reducing the reactivity of the nervous system. This is the tempering of the body, the use of multivitamins and biostimulants. Assign funds for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Vasoconstrictive drugs are prohibited.

The treatment of neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis with a laser was widely used. This is a safe and effective method. Procedures are conducted in several sessions (2 - 7) lasting several minutes. Local anesthesia is performed before laser exposure.

In severe cases, surgical intervention is required to treat vasomotor rhinitis. The operation is applied in cases of pronounced and irreversible disturbance of nasal breathing. The following methods of operative action are used: cryodestruction, radio wave surgery, cauterization with electric current, etc.

Folk treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

As a cleansing and anti-inflammatory agent, the use of a saline solution is effective. They wash their nose several times a day. To prepare a saline solution, in a single glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt).

Also for this purpose, you can use a decoction of calendula (a teaspoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water), which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

To reduce the increased reaction of the nasal mucosa to irritants, you can use mint tea. For its preparation, a tablespoon of peppermint is poured into 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Decoction of mint drink several times a day, and also apply for irrigation of the nose.