At 20% of the inhabitants of the planet, irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed - the symptoms and treatment for such a disease are special. This disease is manifested by dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. In the high-risk group are people aged 20-45 years. IBS in women is twice as common as in men. Approximately 2/3 of those suffering from this disease do not apply for medical help.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Causes
There are several forms of this ailment. The disorder may be accompanied by:
- diarrhea;
- constipations;
- flatulence and painful sensations in the epigastrium.
All these types of ailment are provoked by various factors. The exact causes of IBS to this day have not been identified by scientists. However, experts agree that this ailment is biopsychosocial. A certain group of factors contributes to its formation. Among them are social, psychological and biological "provocateurs". The following reasons are considered fundamental:
- Psychological disorders. These include excessive stress, depression, panic disorder. All these disorders provoke an overexcitement of the nervous system. As a result, the intestine becomes supersensitive.
- Hereditary predisposition. If the parents had this ailment, there is a high probability that irritable bowel syndrome (symptoms and treatment are similar) will be in children.
- Hormonal imbalance. In many women, against the background of an increase in prostaglandin E in the early days of menstruation, diarrhea and intestinal pain are observed. In addition, in pregnant women, irritable bowel syndrome can be diagnosed (symptoms and treatment are considered taking into account the special situation of the patient).
- Disturbances in the diet. Those who prefer too spicy, fatty and high-calorie food can face IBS. A similar problem occurs in coffee lovers and strong tea, as well as those who abuse alcohol. In addition, their contribution is made by snacks on the go and irregular meals.
- Bacterial gastroenteritis. The infections present in the digestive tract can cause disturbances in his work.
- Acceptance of certain medications. These include, for example, antibiotics.
Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea
In addition to the common factors that cause disruption in the digestive tract, this type of ailment has its own personal "provocateurs." In this case, IBS causes the occurrence of the following:
- intestinal infections;
- disorders in the thyroid gland;
- food allergy;
- acceleration of large intestine transit.
Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation
This form of ailment can be provoked by various factors. IBS with constipation occurs for the following reasons:
- consumed food is poor in fiber;
- passive lifestyle;
- slowing colostrans transit, caused by a decrease in the number of propulsive high-amplitude abbreviations;
- increase in the level of the hormone progesterone.
Irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence
This form of ailment, like the previous ones, has its own reasons provocateurs. IBS with flatulence occurs in such cases:
- after the abuse of "heavy" food, the digestion of which causes increased gas formation;
- when a person has gluten intolerance;
- after a severe nervous shock, as a result of which the stress hormone "awakened";
- if the body has a hormonal imbalance.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
To judge this pathological condition will help its clinical manifestations. Irritable bowel syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which increases after eating;
- presence of mucous secretions in feces;
- sharp cutting, cramping pains (the same can occur with food poisoning);
- strong urges for defecation after psychoemotional overstrain;
- with IBS with diarrhea, the stool frequency reaches 5-6 times a day, but it never occurs during the night;
- after each emptying there is a feeling of incomplete defecation;
- with constipation, cleansing of the intestine can occur every 3 days, "sheep feces" comes out.
In addition, irritable bowel syndrome can have nonspecific symptoms (and treatment in this case is assigned the appropriate). These include clinical manifestations:
- anxiety and depression;
- problems with sleep;
- the appearance of a strange taste in the mouth;
- disturbances of urination;
- change in heart rate.
How to treat irritable bowel syndrome?
To exclude other diseases of the digestive tract, the patient referred to the doctor will be assigned a series of studies. Such diagnostics includes:
- irrigoscopy ;
- delivery of a general blood test;
- study of stool;
- blood sampling for celiac disease;
- MRI of the abdomen.
If the pain in irritable bowel syndrome in order to choose the right treatment, you need additional advice from the following specialists:
- infectionist;
- psychologist;
- nutritionist;
- psychotherapist;
- physiotherapist.
How to treat IBS with diarrhea?
The main task in the treatment of this form of ailment is to minimize the putrefactive and fermenting processes occurring in the digestive tract and normalize its work. Syndrome of irritable bowel treatment involves a complex (simultaneously in several directions):
- correction of power;
- psychotherapy;
- relief of pain and correction of the digestive tract.
Since the main cause of this disorder is psychoemotional, the main task of a specialist is to relieve the patient of nervous tension. Relaxation therapy may be accompanied by the use of antidepressants and anxiolytics. Relaxing nervous tension is helped by walking on fresh air, full sleep, swimming and physical activity.
In addition, the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome involves the appointment of such groups of drugs:
- antispasmodics - they reduce pain;
- anti-diarrheal remedies;
- medicines that help prevent dehydration;
- probiotics, which saturate the digestive tract with living bacteria.
How to treat IBS with constipation?
Therapy is aimed at facilitating the process of defecation. First, the patient is asked to change the diet. If diet therapy does not give the desired result, osmotic laxatives are prescribed. It happens that these medications are also ineffective. Then the doctor can prescribe prokinetics. Before treating IBS, he will make sure that the patient does not have pain. If they are available, you will have to abandon the use of anxiolytics and tricyclic antidepressants.
How to treat IBS with flatulence?
With an ailment accompanied by increased gas production, therapy is aimed at reducing bloating. When irritable bowel syndrome is treated, the medicine should be selected exclusively by the doctor. Self-healing will aggravate the situation, so it is unacceptable. Here's what to treat IBS of the intestine:
- drugs that relax the muscles of the digestive tract;
- spasmolytics (often the ailment is accompanied by painful sensations);
- probiotics.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment - Drugs
Medications are prescribed taking into account the specific nature of the disease. Here are the drugs prescribed for IBS with diarrhea:
- Imodium;
- Loperamide ;
- Polysorb;
- Smecta;
- Enterosgel;
- Diar.
If the disorder is accompanied by constipation, treatment of IBS - drugs:
- Good luck;
- Laxigal;
- Transit;
- Cisapride;
- Portalac;
- Macrogol.
To remove spasms and reduce the painful sensations will help such medications:
- Polysilane;
- But-shpa ;
- Mebeverin;
- Sparex;
- Espumizan ;
- Zeolate.
More often at IBS prescribe such antidepressants:
- Imipramine;
- Fluoxetine;
- Phenelzine;
- Bethol;
- Amitriptyline.
Irritable bowel syndrome - treatment with folk remedies
Non-traditional therapy is aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease. If irritable bowel syndrome is treated, folk remedies should be used wisely. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor, and for that there are at least two reasons:
- It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis on its own, and the clinical picture of this disease is the same as that of other diseases.
- Some folk remedies can not be used for problems with the intestines.
How to make a mint drug?
- water - 200 ml;
- dry medicinal plant - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
Preparation, use:
- Raw materials are poured with boiling water and insist for 20 minutes.
- Filter and take in small sips. This drug must be drunk 3 times.
- Mint infusion minimizes painful sensations, normalizes the stool and helps to cope with flatulence.
Diet in irritable bowel syndrome
Nutrition for what suffers from this disorder, should be balanced, diverse and full. It is important to adhere to the following rules:
- The portions used should be small.
- Eat food at regular intervals.
- Food should be warm, but not hot or cold.
- The food should be chewed thoroughly.
- Overeating is prohibited!
Nutrition in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea should be special. Do not eat vegetables and fruits with laxative effect. The patient should give up milk, beer and kvass. You can drink no more than 1.5 liters of water per day. With IBS with constipation, fatty foods and fried foods should be excluded. In addition, the patient will have to give up sandwiches and strong tea. Diet in irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence provides for the exclusion of products that cause increased gas production. These include legumes, white cabbage, grapes, pastries, nuts and so on.