Erosion of the esophagus

The digestive system is of tremendous importance for our body. It is thanks to her that the body receives a new portion of nutrients after each meal. And when an organ that participates in the process of digestion goes out of order, the entire body suffers. Erosion of the esophagus is one of the most dangerous diseases of the digestive system, which at first can be secretive and asymptomatic. Therefore, it is necessary to learn more about the features of the disease, its symptoms, causes and treatment.

Causes of erosion of the esophagus

To erosion of the esophagus, as a rule, leads to an axial, sliding hernia in the esophagus. Among the causes of hernia are the following:

Symptoms of esophagus erosion

The most important symptom of esophagus erosion is heartburn. This very unpleasant phenomenon is almost constant, arising regardless of the amount and type of food eaten. Unfortunately, often one heartburn case is not limited, and the following symptoms are manifested:

Eating with esophagus erosion

If you are thinking about how to cure erosion of the esophagus, then you should know that this, first of all, requires the patient to adhere to special nutrition. Diet with erosion of the esophagus (diet number 1) is aimed at reducing the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, as well as improve the secretory and motor-evacuation function of the stomach. The basic principles of the first diet are:

Treatment of esophagus erosion

Treatment of erosion of the esophagus is possible both folk remedies, and with the help of traditional medicine. Naturally, the doctor knows you better than how to treat erosion of the esophagus, and therefore necessarily consult with him about what treatment you need.

Traditional medicine offers patients to undergo several courses of treatment with medicines. The list of medicines includes alginates, antacids, prokinetics and pariet. Their combined effect is to reduce the level of acidity in the esophagus and stomach. In this case, the patient must certainly be under the supervision of specialists.

Folk remedies are also desirable to apply, preliminarily having consulted with the doctor. The recipe and the way they are used is quite simple:

  1. Half an hour before a meal, drink 50 ml of potato or 30 ml of potato and carrot juice. This course lasts about two months and should be completed three to four times a year.
  2. Take 100-200 ml of decoction of linden, calendula, kipreya (total of 20 g) and flowers of field horsetail, celandine, chamomile, immortelle, valerian root, fennel and St. John's wort (10 grams total). A mixture of herbs should be boiled in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 5 minutes, and then infuse for several hours.