Analgin for headache

Headache is one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. Pain in the head can cause a variety of reasons, ranging from fatigue and stress and ending with severe pathological changes in the body.

Depending on the cause of the headache, various drugs and medications are used to remove and treat it. One of the most popular drugs for headache is analgin. This tool was first synthesized in 1920, and its main active substance is metamizole sodium.

Indications for the use of analgin

The drug analgin helps not only from a headache, but also to apply when:

It is also effective to use analgin for migraines and toothache. From the headache is sometimes recommended the use of analgin with quinine, if the sensations are caused by a flu or cold disease. Quinine enhances the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects of analgin

Taking analgin tablets against a headache remember that this drug is not recommended for use with:

In addition, analgin is contraindicated:

It should be noted that, despite the fact that Analgin is a rather effective drug for headaches, its use in some countries is strictly prohibited. This is explained by the risk of developing agranulocytosis and other side effects, such as:

Dosage and Administration

During the application of analgin from a headache, the daily dosage should not exceed four to five tablets. This drug can be used as a remedy for a headache of low or moderate strength. In the presence of regularly occurring headaches or having a spastic "wave" character, it is necessary to turn to specialists for a survey and determine the true cause of headaches.

The maximum permitted single dose of analgin is two tablets. The usual dose for getting rid of pain is one tablet two or three times a day. For children, the dosage is calculated based on such data - for every kilogram of body weight, five to ten milligrams of the drug is needed. Number of receptions - up to three or four per day.

For adults, the daily intake of Analgin is seven days, and for children - three days. In the absence of improvement or cessation of pain, you need to see a doctor.

Analginum is taken after a meal with enough water. For a child's intake, the tablet can be pre-crushed.

With severe pain, analgin can be used as an injection. The maximum permissible dose for an adult is two grams, and the standard dose is 250-500 mg up to three times a day. Children's dose is calculated per kilogram of weight - 5-10 milligrams of solution.

Precautionary measures

As we have already mentioned, the period of taking analgin from the headache is no more than seven days. In the case of a daily overdose or prolonged medication, side effects may develop:

In such cases it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and carry out measures to cleanse the body.