How to store fish?

Proper storage of products is one of the most important components of economical and correct expenditure of that part of the budget that is allocated for food. Regularly we are considering the rules for storing the most diverse products and today the fish are on the line.

How to store fish in the refrigerator?

The analysis of the question should begin with a point devoted to how to store fresh fish. Yes, yes, even this seemingly ordinary and quite ordinary action has its own rules.

Fresh fish carcass must be cleaned immediately after returning home from scales and entrails, and thoroughly washed, as giblets and mucus on fish skin are an ideal medium for the development of pathogens. It is for this reason that fresh fish should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than two days, to extend the shelf life, the washed and dried carcass should be immediately placed in a sealed bag and put in a freezer. Frozen fish retains freshness for up to 3 months, but please note that it should not be re-frozen, as this procedure not only deprives the pulp of taste, but also a health hazard. The ideal temperature for storing fresh fish is from 3 to 5 degrees.

Do not forget that raw fish is not the most deliciously smelling product, and therefore it is better to store it in an airtight container, avoiding direct proximity to meat and dairy products, much less desserts.

A separate point concerns how to store red salted fish. Salt is in itself a preservative, but this does not mean that salted fish slices can be stored for weeks - they have the same shelf life as fresh fish, but the storage methods are different. Of course, you can freeze the salted fillet in a sealed package, but it is more convenient to store slices of salted fish in a can, bay refined oil. For 3 months they are not worried about their safety.

How to store smoked fish?

Fish carcass cooked by the method of hot smoking is less resistant to storage, and therefore able to maintain freshness for 30 days at a storage temperature of not more than 8 degrees. You can extend the shelf life by freezing. How to store hot smoked fish? Very simple. It can be wrapped in thick paper or put in an airtight container, so as not to "smoke" all the other contents of the refrigerating chamber.

Cold-smoked products remain fresh for up to 60 days at a storage temperature of -2 to -5 degrees.

A separate issue on how to store balyk from fish, since balyk products do not contain the skin, which usually protects the pulp from fast deterioration. Fresh balyks can stay for two weeks at a storage temperature of -2 to -5 degrees.

If the fish is covered with a sticky or whitish coating, gives off an unpleasant sour smell - storage conditions or cooking technology have been violated. With such a product it's better not to experiment, but immediately send it to the trash.

How to store dried fish?

The main point in storing dried fish is constant and correct humidity, which does not lead to saturation of products with liquid and their subsequent molding. To enjoy dried fish as long as possible, it is better to fish fish carcasses with dense (or, even better, waterproof) paper or kraft paper coated with food film. The fish wrapped and tied with string can stay fresh for a year in a dark and cool place with a relative humidity of no more than 70%. Violation of the storage rules will lead to the development of mold, the oxidation of fat in fish and the darkening of pulp.

On how to store dried fish , you can also read on our website.