How do you know who was in a previous life?

Many people believe that a person lives several lives, and in every new incarnation he can be anything. At the same time, deep memories retain memories from the past about reincarnation, and everyone can find out who he was in a past life. There are different techniques, for example, meditation , prophetic dreams, hypnosis, various calculations and tests. We suggest to stay at the simplest and most affordable option.

How to find out a past life by date of birth?

It is believed that the past life has a direct connection with reality and, conversely. Thanks to the proposed tables and taking into account your own date of birth, you can find out about your previous incarnation.

How to find out who was in a previous life:

1. First you need to define the birth letters. To do this, use the table in which the first three digits of the year of birth are shown horizontally, and the last one should be viewed vertically. Conduct invisible lines, and at their intersection there will be the necessary letter. For example, if the year of birth is 1989, then the letter is "T".

2. To understand how to find out about your past life, you need to continue your calculations and now you can determine whether you were a woman or a man. To do this, use the following table and find the letter of birth and month specified in the first paragraph. For example, a person was born in November, this is 11 months and in the column the letter "T" is in the blue sector, which means that he was a man. At the top of the column, where the birth letter is located, the figure of the profession is indicated, in this case - 5. Next to the month of birth column, you can determine the sign and letter of the profession: in the example, this is 8 and C.

3. Now it is necessary to use your birthday and in the column intended separately for men and women, to look at the place of birth. Just remember that you need to use the floor, which was in a past life, and you defined it earlier. In the example: the person was born on Wednesday 8th and he was a man, then the number of his birth place is 21. You also need to look at the destination symbol - the figure located at the very top of the birthday column, in the example - 4. On the right is the type symbol, in the example - 5.

It remains to find out information about a person's past life, since all calculations are done. From the proposed tables you will learn some character traits , the scope of activities, the place of birth and the year of your past life. For convenience, please fill out the following table. We have entered the values ​​obtained in the example.

Description of the personality of the person you were in the previous life (in the example - 5)

Find out what you did in the previous life (in the example - C5)

Thanks to this table you can find out the year when you were born (in the example - 1525)

It's time to find out exactly where you were born in your past incarnation (in the example - Ireland)