Interesting divination of the future husband

Almost every girl dreamed of her prince on a white horse, representing not only his appearance, but also his character traits. Each representative of the beautiful half of mankind has the opportunity to look into the future, using an interesting divination of the future husband. There are many different options that differ from the used items. What unites them is that it is important to believe in a positive result.

Interesting divination of the future spouse

An important recommendation - do not tell anyone that you want to use magic, because the result may be false. Divination can be done on any day, but the greatest effectiveness can be achieved on pre-holiday days: in the New Year, Christmas or Epiphany. It is best to start guessing in the evening or at night. It is important that no one is home. For divination, you need to use the ring that passed the wedding ceremony. If you managed to get the decoration of not blood relatives, then it is important to perform the rite of purification. To do this, lower the ring in icy water for a few minutes.

Guessing on the ring with hair

Take a glass and pour 2/3 of running water into it. Put the ring in your own hair and hold it with your index finger and thumb. It is important that the ends of the hair do not look out. Ring bring it to a glass of water and lean your elbow on the table. Several times dip the ring in water and keep it at the level of the sides of the glass. Now you can ask questions about your future husband, for example, "will I soon meet my soul mate." It is important that the answer is either "yes" or "no". After asking the question, see how the ring behaves, if it moves to the sides or back and forth, then the answer is negative, and the movement in a circle means that it is positive. If the ring has stopped, then the answer to the question at this time is unknown, and you need to wait. You can also ask numerical questions, for example, "how many years will my husband". In this case, it is necessary to consider the number of strokes of the ringlet against the glass. After each answer to the question, it is necessary to dip a ringlet into the water to clean it. Finish guessing at the moment when the hair has slipped or torn.

Fortune Telling on Ring and Grain

Take any deep container and fill in the grains, fill half the volume. For divination, you need to take a few rings:

Fortune telling with ring and photo

It is necessary to take a silver ring without stones and thread it into it. The ends tie to the knot and, holding on to it, bring the ring to the photo of the chosen one. The elbow is leaning against the table to fix the hand in a fixed position. Think about the object of adoration and watch the ring. If it moves in a circle, then expect the wedding and the relationship between you is built on love. When the ring moves to the sides - this is an indication of parting. If the ring does not move, then at the moment there is uncertainty.

Guessing on the Engagement Ring

Take the wedding ring and think about the future chosen one. After that, throw it on the floor and look where it will roll. If the ring has gone to the door, then soon everything will change in your personal life and you can prepare for the wedding . If it rolled to the window, it means that it is not yet time to wait a bit.

Divination by ring for marriage

Take an ordinary glass and fill it up to half with water. Put the engagement ring there. Without blinking, peer into the water, there must appear the appearance of the condemned.