Divination by the old New Year - the most accessible types of fortune-telling

Holidays are a suitable time for conducting magical rituals and fortune-telling. People have always believed that it is easier for the old New Year to get in touch with the Higher Powers to find out information about the future and to understand difficult life situations.

How to say good-bye to the old New Year?

To obtain true predictions, it is important to follow certain rules. Of great importance is an unshakable faith in magic and in fortune telling. It is recommended to conduct rituals in solitude, so that nothing distracts. In addition, it is important to remove the cross, rings and other ornaments. There should be no knotted knots on the body, for example, belts. To divulge the old New Year at home was truthful, fence off from extraneous thoughts and clearly formulate your question.

Divination by the old New Year for money

You can find out about what the coming year will be in the material plan using different variants of predictions. Popular is the divination of the old New Year's well-being, for which it is necessary to put on the table four rings: gold, silver with precious and semiprecious stone, and jewelry. The fortuneteller blindfolds, turns around and takes one ornament:

Divination by the Old New Year for the Future

Predicting the events of the near future can not have magical abilities, because the main thing is faith in miracles. There are divinations under the old New Year for the future, which are held at home in a company of friends. It is necessary to prepare a few cups, focusing on the number of participants. In a container put such items: a ringlet, a coin, a slice of bread, sugar, an onion, salt and in one type water. Each participant in turn with closed eyes chooses one of the containers, and the fallen object is interpreted by divination to the old New Year:

Fortune-telling for the old New Year's destiny

Everyone can learn about what is predetermined by destiny, for which it is important to know how you can tell fortunes on the old New Year. Prepare a church candle, paper and a shallow plate. Sheet crumble to make a ball, put it on a plate, which is placed near the wall. Behind it, place a burning candle, from which light the paper. It is necessary to peer into the shadows on the wall, trying to examine the images. The pictures seen are interpreted with the help of associations, for example, the heart is love, the flower is happiness, the strips are the road and so on.

Fortune telling for the New Year

To determine whether you will be lucky in the next 12 months, you need to know what fortune-telling fortunes are possible for the old New Year. An ancient is a rite with a rooster, for which it is closer to midnight to bring a bird into the house, having sprinkled wheat grains on the floor beforehand. For interpretation, one should observe the cock:

Divination in the Old New Year for Love

In the New Year holidays, rituals that predict the meeting of the second half are most popular. There is a huge number of options, for example, on the night of the holiday, put under the pillow from the fortunetelling pack of four kings, and in the morning, at random, get one card. According to the king's suit, the interpretation is made: the peak - the chosen one will be aged and the owner, the trefoil - military, the chervovy - secured and young, the diamonds - coveted. Popular is guessing before bed, so there are two options:

  1. The girl must put a slice of bread under the pillow and scissors, and then she will certainly see the mated.
  2. Before you go to bed you need to eat a little salt and it's important not to drink it and not to seize it. Closing your eyes, say these words: "Sustained, mummer, come to me and give me a drink."

Divination by the old New Year for marriage

In the times of Rus, young girls early walked under the crown and any delays with this event caused emotions, so there were different versions of predictions, helping to know when the offer will be received. Many rituals, as to guess under the old New Year, are used in our time. It is necessary to put a glass on the table, half filled with water, and light it on both sides of it. The wedding ring, belonging to the mother or grandmother, should be tied to your own hair.

To divulge the old New Year in the glass drops the ring, but it should not touch the surface of the water. To the hand does not create unnecessary movements, lean your elbow on the table. The decoration will start to swing by itself, and the girl should listen to the sounds. It is believed that the ring can sing the name of the future husband. By the number of strokes about the walls of the glass judged, about when to go to the crown.

Divination by the old New Year on the condemned

More often predicting the future are engaged in single girls who dream about meeting the second half. There are divinations for the old New Year for the groom, who help to get different information about the future elect. With the help of the proposed option, you can find out about what will be the betrothed. For his conduct, take the key, any ring and a piece of bread. Put the items in a bowl and add stones to it. Cover everything with a towel and pull out at random any object, which is used to interpret the divination of the old New Year:

Divination by the Old New Year for Children

Women who are married begin to think about pregnancy, while thinking who will be sent to them by fate. To open the curtain of secrecy, you need to know how you can guess on the old New Year for children. There is a very simple ritual, for which you need to prepare a ring, tied on a string, and hold it over the open palm. Interpretation is based on the movement of the object:

Divination by the Old New Year for desire

Not only on December 31 people ask the Higher Forces for help in realizing their dreams, as it is possible to make a wish for the old New Year, most importantly, do it sincerely and believe in miracles. The procedure is no different, and it's best to go to heaven at midnight. There are several predictions that will help to find answers to various questions, for example, whether the conceived will come true or not.

  1. Fill a deep bowl with half full of water. Take a few small leaves, write wishes on them, fold them and spread them around the edges of the bowl from all sides. In the center, lower the nutshell, which should contain a lighted candle. Up to what piece of paper with the desire she will first touch, then it will become a reality.
  2. Take a white candle and, holding it in your hands, light it, thinking about your desire. Look at the flame for about 15 minutes to reach maximum concentration. If all this time the fire is quiet, then the desire will be fulfilled, and if it flashes or crackles, then no.

Divination by the old New Year on health

If someone from close people is sick for a long time, and doctors can not give accurate information when he goes on the amendment, you can use truthful divinations for the old New Year to predict how the events will unfold. For the presented variant it is necessary to take home fresh milk and it is better, if it will be still warm. Pour it into a bowl and ask the patient to lower the fingertips into the liquid. At the same time, bring a sheet of black cardboard to it. The patient should reach for his hand and shake it over the paper. Drop by drop the interpretation of fortune telling on the old New Year.

  1. One large drop means that the disease is aggravated and serious measures need to be taken, since the risk of death is high.
  2. A large drop, and small around it - it's a sign that the patient will recover, but the effects of the disease will last for a long time.
  3. Small drops that form smooth paths indicate that the disease from the acute form will develop into a chronic one.
  4. If the drops form patterns, then you can expect to get rid of the disease completely.

Divination by the old New Year about work

Many people complain about problems in their work. Some are dissatisfied with the salary and lack of career growth, while others are not tripled by the attitude of their superiors. Knowing how to guess the old New Year to work, you can get important information that will help make the right decision. Take a deck of cards for divination, and place it in three piles. Choose one of them and recount the number of aces that have dropped out.

  1. 4 Ace - everything is developing as well as possible and soon you can count on career growth and increase in earnings.
  2. 3 Ace - be patient, apply a little more effort and then the desired will certainly happen.
  3. 2 Ace - to achieve heights, you need to be persistent. Do not be afraid to use existing ideas.
  4. 1 ace - the place is unsuccessful and it is better to think about finding a new job.
  5. No aces, so the guessing person himself has not yet decided what he wants from life.