How to prepare Kalina for the winter?

For a long time Kalina has been known as a wonderful healing plant. The first mention of the treatment of viburnum dates back to the sixteenth century. And curative properties are not only berries, but also leaves, bones and even bark bush. But still, the berries occupy the first place in terms of vitamin content. They have the following vitamins: C, A, E, K, B9. And the content of vitamin C in Kalina is even greater than in lemon.

Among other useful substances in Kalin are pectins, which promote the removal of radionuclides, strontium and cobalt from the body.

Collecting berries of the Kalina occurs in the autumn, after the first frosts. It is during this period that the berries acquire a specific sweetish taste.

The usefulness of the viburnum can be argued for a very long time, which only is its invaluable help for colds, with increased pressure, with convulsions. But in order to be able to use berries for a long time, you need to know how to prepare the viburnum for the winter.

Popular recipes for cooking red viburnum for the winter

Kalina with honey for the winter

The first recipe is devoted to the preparation for the winter of viburnum with honey. To do this, you need to pass the berries of the Kalina with boiling water, after wiping them through a sieve, in order to get rid of pits and peel. You can also use a colander. The resulting mass is mixed with honey in a one-to-one ratio, and put in a cold place. Kalina with honey will be ready for use in a week.

Viburnum with sugar for the winter

To harvest berries for the winter for this recipe, you need to take for each kilogram of berries for 0.5-0.7 kilograms of sugar. Kalina should be thoroughly washed and dried on paper towels. Then, in clean glass jars, fill up the viburnum with sugar and sugar so that the berries are completely covered with sugar. We close the cans with capron caps and put it in the refrigerator.

Kalina in sugar syrup, or how to close the viburnum for the winter

For cooking, you need 1 kg of viburnum, 400 g of sugar, 600 ml of water. As in the previous recipe, the berries of the Kalina will need to be washed and dried. While the berries dry, sterilize the jars. You fall asleep in the cans, fill it with sugar syrup (sugar / water ratio two to three), and sterilize the jars. Half-liter cans are sterilized for about 15 minutes, liter about half an hour. After sterilization roll the cans with metal covers.

From ok from the viburnum for the winter

There are several ways to prepare the juice.

The juice of Kalina is very useful, but you can not drink it undiluted, as it is highly concentrated. Therefore, from the juice, we suggest you cook, for example, kalined fruit.

Kalinovy ​​Morse

You will need 250 ml of cane juice, 1 liter of water, sugar or honey. The juice of the viburnum is brewed with cold boiled water, add sugar or honey to taste, and insist for about 5 hours.

Syrup from Kalina for the winter

For the preparation of the syrup, you need 1 liter of juice, 2 kg of sugar, 10 g of citric acid. The sugar juice is mixed with sugar, brought to a boil. Then you need to remove the formed foam, add citric acid and cook for another 5 minutes. After filter the syrup through gauze, and pour into bottles (jars) for storage. Whichever way you decide to prepare the viburnum for the winter, it still does not lose its useful properties, and will come to your rescue in case of illness.