Sling with rings

Kids love to be close to their mother, so they feel safe. Sling with rings is an easy way to be together, and it's much easier for parents to wear crumbs.

What is a sling?

When you first saw a sling, many wonder how you can use it to carry a child. After all, its design is extremely simple: this wide strip of dense matter, with or without rings. How to use a sling with rings , depends on the age of the child and the position in which mom and baby feel more comfortable. If in it it is inconvenient, means, it is incorrectly dressed. The most common errors are:

The first time to dress this strange piece of cloth at first glance is difficult, but each time it will be easier.

At what age is the sling with rings used?

Correctly dressed sling in the cradle position is suitable for babies from the first days of life. The main thing is that the fabric should lie flat under the baby's body, the head was laid on its edge, and the sling was well tightened. It is recommended for premature babies, as the child can receive the warmth of the mother and stay with her constantly. Of course, provided that the mother is ready to put the baby in such a cradle, because often it is frightening for young parents to even take a kid, and even more so put somewhere. If it's scary, then with such a carry-over for the child you can and wait.

Another important point: for the correct development of the muscles of the spine of the baby and a uniform load on the back of the mother, you need to alternate the shoulder, which is dressed in a sling. That is, you can not wear it only on the right or left shoulder, the position of the child must be changed.

Sling with rings for newborns allows you to go for walks with a crumb, hiding it from prying eyes. If the crumb is hungry, it is convenient to feed it, if necessary, covering itself with a tail, that is, its free edge.

Up to what age to wear a sling with rings, depends on the back of the mother in the most literal sense. Rings securely fix the fabric, and if the material is strong, it can withstand a five-year-old child. What can not be said about the backs of parents. Even a half-year-old baby can weigh enough to make the stroller the most convenient transport for him. Usually the child is worn to 1-1.5 years, but if it is convenient and not difficult for the mother (or father), the baby can be worn much longer.

Sling positions with rings

Most often the child wears:

Another convenient feature: if a crumb fell asleep in a vertical position, it is easy to lay, changing the position to a cradle. Also, just remove the sling with the sleeping baby, just raise the ring above the fabric up.

Whether sling with rings is needed depends on how convenient it is for mom to take a stroller with her, preferences of the baby and readiness to spend a little time to learn how to use it. It is indispensable for mothers of two children with a small age difference. While the younger is sleeping next to her mother, she can play with the eldest, take him in a stroller or just walk in the park.