Hormonal drugs with menopause

Climax is inevitable for every woman. Someone refers to the offensive of this period quite calmly, others fall into a prolonged depression. Another thing is that menopausal syndrome can take place completely differently. Some women do not notice symptoms at all, others can maintain normal life in menopause only with the help of hormonal drugs.

Treatment of menopause with hormones

It should immediately make it clear that menopause is not a disease, therefore it is impossible to cure it. As a rule, the term "treatment" refers to the elimination of symptoms of a climacteric syndrome , among which:

It is known that the main reason for the onset of menopause and all accompanying symptoms is a reduction in the level of estrogens in the body, so all drugs that modern medicine offers are aimed at filling the deficiency of the "hormone of femininity". Hormonal pills with menopause are almost the only effective way to maintain a woman's normal state of health.

What to drink hormones at a climax, solves only the attending physician. The fact is that the level of estrogen for each woman is individual, which must be taken into account when choosing a drug and dosage.

It should be noted that hormonal drugs, whether it's a patch or tablets, have a number of contraindications in menopause and can lead to some complications. When appointing hormones for menopause , the doctor must take into account the general condition of the body, the possible existing diseases of the reproductive system, the condition of the kidneys and liver.

List of popular hormonal drugs with menopause

Phytohormones with menopause

At the present time with climax, plant hormones. The so-called phytoestrogens are hormone substitutes in the body of a woman, which helps to reduce the negative manifestations of the climacteric syndrome. Many experts say that herbal homeopathic remedies based on phytoestrogens do not cause harm to health and have practically no contraindications.

Regardless of what type of therapy you choose for yourself, before taking the drug, be sure to consult with a specialist who observes you. Remember, hormone medications can only be prescribed after appropriate tests have been performed.