Thrush in women - how does it look like how to treat vaginal candidiasis at home?

Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene entails the development of gynecological diseases. As a result of changes in the microflora of the vagina, the development of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms takes place. A frequent manifestation is thrush in women: how it looks like how to treat the disease correctly - is known to few.

Vaginal Candidiasis - Causes

Provoke a change in the environment of the vagina, create favorable conditions for the propagation of pathogens can multiple factors. When determining the cause of thrush, doctors often talk about the multifactorial origin of infection - the simultaneous presence of several causes. In addition, changing the vaginal environment is often a physiological process that occurs during the menstrual cycle. This causes the development of candidiasis in the early stages of pregnancy. Among other factors, doctors call the following causes of thrush in women:

  1. Change in the pH of the vagina, associated with the features of the diet (a large amount of sweet and flour in the menu).
  2. Disorders in the endocrine system.
  3. Viral diseases that reduce local immunity.
  4. Prolonged intake of hormonal drugs.
  5. The course of antibiotic therapy.
  6. Presence of several sexual partners.

Vaginal candidiasis - symptoms

Thrush in women (as it looks like the treatment described below) is an infectious disease. The symptoms of thrush in women have a bright color, and it is impossible not to notice their presence. The causative agent of candidiasis is the Candida fungus. In a small concentration, it is always present in the vaginal flora. When creating favorable conditions, rapid multiplication of the fungus begins, resulting in a characteristic clinical picture.

Talking about what is a thrush in women, how it looks and how to treat, doctors pay attention to the hidden forms of pathology. However, often candidiasis begins with the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the vagina, which then turn into itching and burning. With the further development of the disease, reproduction of the fungus from the genital tract of the woman, liquid, watery discharge appears. With an increase in the concentration of the pathogen, they become denser and acquire a characteristic appearance. Outwardly, the secretions resemble cottage cheese: crustaceans, white. In addition, there are other symptoms of the disease:

Sensations of thrush

Naming the main causes of the onset of vaginal candidiasis, let us examine its manifestations in more detail. Women, once confronted with the disease, never confuse the symptoms of thrush with the symptoms of other diseases. The unbearable burning sensation, the itch in the inguinal region, which become stronger with time, are the first manifestations of candidiasis. Some women may have pain in the vulva. Painful sensations are unstable. Their intensification is observed in the process of urination. Some women fix the pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Alloculations with thrush

About how the discharge looks like when thrush , women of childbearing age are known not by hearsay. Fungus is a part of the microflora of the vagina, so candidiasis can develop in girls. A characteristic feature of the disease are discharge from the vaginal cavity. At first they are watery, abundant. After a day, their character changes: the woman notices the appearance of small white impregnations, in diameter not exceeding a pea.

A characteristic feature of the secretions is concomitant itching, burning in the vulva. It is so pronounced that with time on the labia minora, women can develop scratching. This only aggravates the situation, contributes to the penetration of the pathogen into the bloodstream, its distribution through the reproductive system and the body. After taking action, the release quickly disappears.

Vaginal candidiasis - treatment

Unequivocally answer the question, how to treat thrush in women, gynecologists can not. Each case is individual, and often the disease develops against the background of other infections of the reproductive system that require separate treatment. In most cases, candidiasis therapy is aimed at suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and normalizing the vaginal microflora. To do this, use local medicines, antibiotics in the form of vaginal suppositories, ointments, creams. Knowing how the thrush manifests in women, how it looks, how to treat a specialist, selects a therapy scheme.

Vaginal Candidiasis - Clinical Recommendations

On how to properly treat thrush in women, it is known only to experienced professionals, doctors. Independent therapy of candidiasis in most cases is reduced to the elimination of clinical manifestations and symptoms of the disease, but does not affect the cause. When you contact a gynecologist before starting therapy and prescribing medicines, anamnesis is collected, an examination in the gynecological chair, a fence of smears from the urethra and the vagina. The therapeutic process is based on the use of:

  1. Systemic drugs (used orally, a bowl in the form of tablets).
  2. Local preparations (creams, suppositories, gels, ointments with antibacterial component).

Than to treat thrush in women - drugs

Than to treat a thrush for women, what preparations and in what dosage to use - the doctor solves. It relies on the results of tests performed, clinical manifestations of the disease, takes into account the stage of the pathological process. All appointments have an individual character, the therapy scheme is made for a specific clinical case. In general, with vaginal candidiasis treatment is aimed at:

Vaginal suppositories in candidiasis form the basis of treatment. Used drugs that have an antifungal effect:

With mild illness, a small volume of vaginal discharge, doctors use local preparations in the form of candles, vaginal creams:

Diet for vaginal candidiasis

To vaginal candidiasis soon passed, doctors strongly recommend to adhere to a certain diet. Penetrating substances can be an excellent source of feed for the fungus. From the daily diet is recommended to completely exclude foods rich in carbohydrates:

The basis of the diet in candidiasis should be foods high in protein and fiber:

Compulsory in the diet of a woman are sour-milk products:

How to treat thrush in pregnant women?

Vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy occurs in every third future mother. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in local immunity, which is a regularity in the short term. When appointing a doctor, the doctor always takes into account the gestation period - most antifungal agents are contraindicated in the first trimester. In addition, the estimated effect of the treatment is evaluated and compared with the risk of a threat to the health of the baby.

During gestation, the woman is prescribed the latest antifungal drugs for vaginal candidiasis of local action. In this case, it is possible to exclude the ingestion of the drug components into the total blood flow. Preference is given to low-toxic forms of antimycotics:

How long to treat thrush in women?

The effectiveness and duration of therapy is determined by the timeliness of the initiation of therapy and the absence of additional pathologies. Treatment of candidiasis at an early stage does not take much time - in most cases it lasts 3-7 days. When a pathology is detected in acute form, therapy takes 2-3 weeks. Separately it is necessary to consider the chronic form of pathology, the stage of exacerbation at which is replaced by the period of remission.

Telling patients how to treat chronic thrush in women, doctors pay attention to the complete exclusion of provoking factors and concomitant inflammatory processes. Therapy of chronic forms of candidiasis lasts more than a year. In some cases, it is not possible to completely defeat candidiasis, there is a carriage: with weakening of immunity, the clinical picture appears again.

Than to treat a man, if a woman has thrush?

Exclude recurrent vaginal candidiasis is possible only with the joint treatment of sexual partners. Candidiasis in men rarely causes symptoms, but this does not mean that a man is healthy. Treatment partner is a prerequisite for successful therapy, prevents relapse of the disease. The course of treatment includes the use of the following drugs:

An indispensable condition is the thorough hygiene of the genitals. A man should regularly wash, remove pus and cheesy discharge, which in a small amount accumulate in the area of ​​the foreskin, the scrotum and not immediately visible. At the same time, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination for possible sexual infections in order to completely eliminate this provoking factor. In the period of treatment, also make baths for genitals with antiseptics:

Prevention of vaginal candidiasis

Having considered in detail such a disease as a thrush in women, how it looks like how to treat it, it is necessary to say that diseases can be avoided. To prevent acute vaginal candidiasis, doctors recommend taking action with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. Like any pathology of the reproductive system, thrush is easier to prevent than treat.

Preventive measures should include:

  1. Definition and exclusion of the cause that led to the disease.
  2. Restriction of the use of combined contraceptives, antibacterial drugs, cytostatics.
  3. Stimulation of immunity.
  4. Normalization of metabolism.
  5. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene.
  6. Exclusion of casual sex.