21 thing that you need to throw out right now

Sometimes we are very sensitive to our things and like the famous Plyushkin we collect them, afraid to throw something out. One thing can hold in itself an expensive memory, the other - regret about the spent means.

But sooner or later to part with the old stuff still need. So, we suggest starting right now. Here are 21 things that you need to get rid of immediately. Check if they have you and rather throw it in the trash.

1. Sponge for washing dishes.

You need to change them once a month, and even more often. In addition, sponges are recommended to be washed in a dishwasher and cleaned of bacteria in a microwave oven.

2. Old holey boots.

For many, they are a great value. Do not believe me? But for some, they are a real memory from youth. Suppose you ran into them from the party the police came to! Yes, it's a memory. And maybe you think it's enough to wash them two or three times a day and find a good shoemaker that will save them? Wrong. There are a lot of shoes on the market, and your feet will only be grateful to you for getting rid of the leaky shoes. If the shoes are still in good condition, but you want to get rid of it, you can transfer it to the needy.

3. Clothes that you do not wear for many years.

Sell ​​it to a local commission store, donate to a charity, give it to a friend or girlfriend who lost their job. Whatever you do, do not store such clothes just in the closet, hoping for the right moment.

4. Delayed cosmetics.

Any remedy has a shelf life. The use of expired cosmetics can cause skin problems, up to the occurrence of infections.

5. Dry-cleaner's hangers.

Well, why do you need them? Confess to yourself. In fact, you do not need them.

6. Stacks of magazines and newspapers.

Surely, you store them to show the article to your grandmother, or to learn the art of origami or knitting, the scheme of which is printed there. But you will never do it. Free up every inch of your space.

7. Half-finished project.

Any of your projects that you started to do, but did not finish. Just take it and throw it away.

8. Any hole socks or socks without a pair.

Sadly, of course, that your favorite sock was orphaned. But it's even sadder that you still keep it.

9. Old paint.

The paint, which was opened a year ago or two, is no longer suitable for anything and will not give you the color you need.

10. His most favorite, worn bra.

Well, you know what kind of brassiere in question. Just throw it out and find something more comfortable and new for yourself.

11. Spices.

If you keep your spices too long, then it's time to get rid of them. This will allow you to see what you are actually using, and what you do not need. It is at such moments that you realize that you acquired any spice only because it looked beautiful in the display case.

12. The old technique.

This includes CDs, video cassettes and a monitor, from which, as you think, you will someday be able to make a bed for your cat.

13. Toys that no one wants to play.

If the toy is useful and can be of interest to kids, then it is worth giving it to an orphanage. If not, then throw it out, as it takes up quite a lot of space and accumulates tons of dust on itself.

14. Toothbrush.

Most likely, your toothbrush is not very expensive and it can be replaced. In addition, she is a peddler of bacteria. Do not forget to change your toothbrush every 2-3 months.

15. Case for contact lenses.

Remember that contact lenses have a limited shelf life and should be monitored for their condition. If the life of the lens has come to an end, then do not be too lazy to throw away with them and the case, in which these very lenses were stored.

16. Overdue canned food.

We think that it is not necessary to explain in detail why it is impossible to eat overdue canned food and why they should be immediately disposed of. Believe me, the consequences can be really frightening.

17. Old batteries and light bulbs.

There is a certain category of small debris that is difficult to ignore. But also it is necessary to throw it only in certain places. To such rubbish it is possible to carry batteries. There are several ways to get rid of batteries without damaging the environment. You can take them to a special point of reception of batteries or to a hazardous waste dump. Use one of them.

18. Old towels.

If you use towels every day, then they need to store no more than two years. If they are not much worn out, then you can give them to a shelter for animals. Believe me, you will be grateful.

19. 99% of the trash in the boxes.

Most likely, you do not need what's in your closets, so store only scissors and scotch there. And other small things just throw in the trash can or hand out to the needy.

20. Pillows.

If you are thinking about whether you should replace your own pillow, imagine a thing: you use a pillow 7 days a week for eight hours every night of every year. Can you imagine how many bacteria and harmful substances have accumulated in it !? Urgent to the store for a new one!

21. Unsubscribe from all unnecessary notifications and mailings that come to your inbox.

Now get up from behind the computer, turn off the phone and throw away all the garbage that does not allow you to be who you really are!