13 of the most unusual toilets in the world

Excursion to the most toilet rooms in the world.

1. Transparent only one side of the toilet "Do not lose a second."

So he looks outside.

And so - from the inside.

The idea of ​​creating this infernal toilet was invented by the figure of fine arts in London, Monica Bonvisini. These toilet booths wander around the world and are designed for tourists who do not want to lose a second of precious time during the excursion. Have to strain to relax, right?

2. Toilet for 29 million green.

The toilet room, entirely made of gold, was invented by Hang Fang Gold Technology Group and is located in Hong Kong. In this room they go only in shoe covers, so as not to scratch gold on the floor. By the way, the walls there are also gold.

3. The bottomless latrine.

This scary-wonderful toilet room is directly above the open elevator shaft on the 15th floor of the penthouse PPDG in the Mexican city of Guadalajara. If you want acute sensations, then you are here.

4. Retractable urinal.

The Danish company Urylift developed the concept of public toilets, which miraculously appear on the streets in the dark, so as not to spoil the city landscapes during the day.

5. An unusual urinal.

To turn right ...

Write to the right!

Creators from Japan and the UK saved the people from a boring pastime in the toilet, creating several video games. What's so special, you ask ... The fact is that the management in any of these games entirely depends on the urine stream.

6. Toilet inside the aquarium.

This women's toilet room is located inside the aquarium in Akashi, Japan, and is among the most expensive toilets in the world, $ 270,000. In it you can watch different fish.

7. WC + waterfall = which only people can not think of.

Make your own water attraction at the Madonna Inn.

8. Toilet made of environmentally friendly materials.

Everything in this toilet from the Milwaukee company is 100% made from materials that are harmless to nature: rainwater is used for draining, lamps are on solar batteries, toilet paper and towels are made from recycled raw materials, and soap and detergents are biodegradable.

9. Self-cleaning toilet.

For the first time such public latrines were installed in Paris. After each use, they self-clean. The process of cleaning and disinfection lasts 60 seconds.

10. Toilet room in the form of eggs.

These huge sparkling eggs are nothing more than the operating toilet cubicles of one of the London restaurants of the French cuisine Sketch, which entered the top twenty restaurants of the world in 2005.

11. Chronometric toilet.

We warn you! Using this toilet, you run the risk. They are set a certain time - 15 minutes, after which the toilet opens. Will you manage to meet on time? There are also weight restrictions. Make sure that your child does not get stuck in such a toilet.

12. Toilet-springboard.

In the city of Iyyama, again in Japan, at the Madarao-Kogen hotel, you sit comfortably and warmly on the toilet, ready at any moment to jump from the highest springboard without harm to health.

13. A toilet called "Feel yourself an astronaut".

Yes! He exists! A real space toilet equipped with a vacuum. He is an engineering museum of innovation in Tokyo.