35 names of caterers, cafes and restaurants, which brought us to tears!

Today, marketing and advertising have reached a new and simply prohibitively high level, and now everyone - from the owner of the shopping center and the owner of the shoe shop know that the correctly chosen name guarantees success and profit to the institution. But how can I explain this here ???

In a word, we found 35 signboards of cafes and restaurants, cafes and restaurants, whose creative owners were so overdone that they brought us to tears!

1. But everyone will be remembered!

2. We just read everything correctly ???

3. - We went to a cafe

- And what?

- And in some ...

4. If you walk often, everything can happen!

5. What? What?

6. Could at least type "play"!

7. From there you can only crawl in one pose ...

8. It is immediately evident that here the Russian spirit smells!

9. Only the most reckless and fearless will enter the snack bar at the station ...

10. Well, after all, "Sushi-mush" has already been taken!

11. Do not be deceived!

12. Is this creativity taught in some courses or is it talent and a sense of nature?

13. Let's not comment?

14. Is it exactly the lighthouse?

15. After a family holiday in this cafe, you can remain an orphan ...

16. And now, quickly!

17. So, we, perhaps, will pass from sin away ...

18. And then - morden on the asphalt!

19. The owner seems to have had to open something else ...

20. What do people eat there?

21. This is already like the truth ...

22. To pull during lunch? Boldly!

23. We also want to ask this question to the owner!

24. Well, everything, the appetite is gone!

25. Is there a word for the president?

26. Otherwise, what?

27. And yet, intrigued!

28. Do you have to go down to the dungeon?

29. Well, a little mistaken ...

30. Something this gardener does not look innocent at all ...

31. We remain silent!

32. Why is this theme so beloved?

33. Do you believe your eyes?

34. And read this name better until until I missed a glass ...

35. And that's what awaits you at the exit!

Eh, and maybe, well, it, these modern fashion trends and bring back all the good old and beloved - "Weeping Willow", "Roadside" and "Pelmennaya"?