Benefits and harm of milk

All of us begin our life with milk, first the mother, then the cow or goat, then we switch to other products, but in our memory, it remains that milk is the basis of everything in life. Indeed, milk is the most important source of vitamins and trace elements.

Benefits and insidious harm of milk

Therefore, when an adult who has not consumed milk for a long time, after trying it on occasion, suddenly gets allergic or indigestion, he is very surprised. What happened? Or is the milk not right or is it wrong?

The reason lies in the fact that the body of an adult, without consuming a long period of milk, often loses the function of splitting lactose (milk sugar). That is, his reaction turns out, like an absolutely alien product. People who are accustomed from childhood to regular consumption of milk, such phenomena, allergies, practically does not happen.

Pasteurized milk is good and bad

In our cities today people rarely have the opportunity to drink fresh milk, and when they come to the store, they buy sterilized or pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk will bring great benefits to a person, as in the process of pasteurization, milk is heated to 60-70 degrees (rather than 130 with sterilization!), Which allows to save not only vitamins , but also important bacteria beneficial for the organism, while simultaneously increasing the safety time product. But in dry milk (powdered) there is practically no benefit, and health damage can be due to various chemical additives.

Also, it must be remembered that milk is often not compatible with a number of foods and can harm you if you drink it (and especially drink it!) After the fish or salinity!