Magic signs

Magic signs and symbols are drawings and drawings that came to us from the older generation. Such signs are applied to protective talismans, to objects that are constantly at hand. The tattoos are made up and stuffed, and also the magical signs are embroidered on clothes.

Drawings that designate magic symbols and signs can be used well-known or created oneself, especially if it is a creative person who is well versed in symbolism and feels that he is better suited.

The sign will be both a talisman, a charm , and an ornament in this case. Signs in different religions are different, and each means something different.

Magic symbols and signs

In Japan, magical signs and their meaning were related to the gods. Usually they were applied to the papyrus, which was kept in the walls of the house or in the home temples. The image of the god Su in them gave the right to transfer the supreme energy and use it for its intended purpose. People managing energy waves lived and acted long before Ray Ki's birth (energy of life, cosmic energy) was born and even then they were helped by magic symbols of different meanings.

To protect yourself and the territory on which you are, you can draw magic signs of protection in the air, palm. The main thing is to study them visually in advance and know the sequence of the picture. Each detail of a complex sign is very important in the overall composition of the defense.

Magic signs can be treated headaches and toothaches, remove bad mood, as well as evil eye, fresh spoilage. If you know the exact combination, you can talk a person from bad habits. Having used the strongest magic sign that has been studied by you, like and in meditations you represent it more often, you can try to influence a person from a distance or from a photograph. In the Christian faith, a strong magical sign is the cross. It also appears in the Catholics, but in a slightly different version. However, the universal belief in the sanctity of the sign gives him truly miraculous gifts.

Magical security signs

In Jews, the magical protective signs are based on the star of David (also the star of Solomon), which is a six-pointed star made up of two triangles, looking at the points in different directions, which means the rise of spirituality and its existence on earth.

The sign is energetically strong and is often used in pentagrams to protect against evil spirits.

The pyramid with the third eye is found not only in textbooks. It can be found on banknotes, in the edges of Egypt and, of course, in the architecture of any creed. The all-seeing eye, observing from the triangle, with the point directed upwards, means that the higher powers watch all the inhabitants of the earth around the clock. Believe in the energy power of this magical sign or not - a personal matter for everyone, but very few people on the planet who this eye would leave indifferent. Too many secrets he carries in himself since those times when people still did not understand social inequalities.

The five-pointed star of the pentagram carries a black charge of energy and is often a favorite sign of Satan, sacrifices, occult rites. In fact, the sign is very effective, but not for calling evil spirit, but for accumulating strong bursts of energy. Kind of, it's a seal that holds back the release of any kind of emotions that can affect the calm state of mind and body.

Another of the simple and common signs of protection and fortune-telling is a circle . Remember all sorts of mystical films. It is the circle that protects against evil spirits, and gates into parallel portals and beyond worlds, a mirror of the future. It is not recommended to open the circle in the process of divination, so as not to release unwanted energy beyond the limits of the session into everyday life, which can be very harmful.

Like all energy fortune-telling. Magic symbols are not used for the sake of interest, so as not to accidentally cause trouble for you and your loved ones. Tattoos are made with a serious approach and attitude, gifts with magic signs are accepted with gratitude. But to wear them or not is your business.