Ancient civilizations - secret knowledge and heritage of ancient civilizations

Civilization can be called a certain stage of development of society, which is characterized by its own social classes, writing, crafts and other occupations. Historians believe that secrets are hidden in ancient civilizations, many of which could not be discovered.

Ancient civilizations of the world

The first manifestations of civilization, according to research, arose several millennia ago on the territory of Asia, Africa and Europe. Although the ancient civilizations of the earth were formed at different times, the processes of their formation and development have many common features. They became the basis for important discoveries, which were a springboard for human progress and cultural development.

The civilization of the Sumerians

Many historians believe that the Sumerians were the first civilization on earth, which appeared in Mesopotamia over 6 thousand years ago. Historians managed to determine the following facts:

  1. The Sumerians are the first civilization on earth to use the ternary system and know the Fibonacci numbers.
  2. In the legends of this people, the first descriptions of the structure and development of the solar system are presented.
  3. In the Sumerian manuscripts it is pointed out that modern people were created thanks to the methods of genetic engineering about 3 thousand years ago.
  4. They had developed statehood, there was a court and various government bodies that were chosen by people
  5. The Sumerians existed for 2 thousand years.

Ancient Mayan civilization

One of the most mysterious peoples, which reminds of itself even in the modern world, which is the well-known Mayan calendar, predicting the end of the world . The secret knowledge of ancient civilizations continues to be studied by scientists, and they managed to determine such facts:

  1. Maya was engaged in the construction of stone cities and huge pyramids, which served as a burial vault for the nobility. They grew a pumpkin, cotton, various fruits, beans and so on. The people were engaged in the extraction of salt.
  2. For this people, religion was very important, and worshiping the gods was a cult. Maya sacrificed not only animals but also humans.
  3. Ancient civilizations possessed immense knowledge in astronomy, for example, the Maya calendars have reached our days and their accuracy never ceases to amaze.
  4. Maya mysteriously left the earth, and what exactly happened until it was possible to establish.

Ancient Inca civilization

The largest in terms of area and population, the empire, which was located in South America. Thanks to historians, a lot of information about this people became known to the public:

  1. Scientists could not find evidence that would tell about the Inca, but they are considered descendants of the early Andean civilization.
  2. The secrets of ancient civilizations indicate that the empire had a clear administrative division and a well-established economy.
  3. It is well known that in those days there was no corruption, there were almost no crimes related to murders and thefts.
  4. Few ancient civilizations had mail, and so the Incas had about 5-7 thousand postal stations.
  5. This people had their own system of measuring values, calendar, architecture and musical culture. The writing of the Incas is called a knot letter to a pile.

The Aztec civilization

The most numerous Indian people living in Mexico are the Aztecs. The history of ancient civilizations is known for such facts:

  1. Aztecs were fond of sports and creativity, for example, they are known for their sculptures and pottery.
  2. Of great importance to this people was the education that children received not only from their parents, but also in schools.
  3. Historians believe that this ancient civilization disappeared not because of numerous wars, but because of the smallpox that killed more than 20 million people.
  4. It is worth noting the presence of an advanced system of recording and storing data: tax, historical, religious and other documentation.
  5. The men of this people were allowed polygamy , and poor families sold children into slavery, and this was not considered something unusual.

Ancient civilization of Mesopotamia

Because territorially Mesopotamia occupied a flat area between two rivers: the Euphrates and the Tigris, it was also called Mesopotamia. Some scholars believe that the first inhabitants of the southern territory were the Sumerians, but in fact before that the land was inhabited by other tribes.

  1. The artifacts of ancient civilizations indicate that there were several large settlements on the territory of Mesopotamia.
  2. The local population developed elaborate religious ideas and widely used magical rituals.
  3. In those days Mesopotamia possessed all the signs of civilization, except for writing, but this changed after the territory was inhabited by the Sumerians.

Ancient civilization Babylon

In those days Babylon was the richest and most powerful city, which stood out as masterpieces of human ingenuity. Not all the secrets of the ancient civilizations have been solved, but the scientists were able to learn a lot of interesting information:

  1. Of great importance in Babylon was trade, and the products created by this people enjoyed immense popularity. This city is considered a "trendsetter".
  2. If the doctor made the wrong diagnosis, then his hands were cut off, and prostitution was considered a prestigious profession.
  3. The most famous landmark of the time is the gardens of Babylon.
  4. The technology of ancient civilizations allowed building incredible buildings, which only stands the legendary Tower of Babel, which was in the center of the ancient city.

Mysterious ancient civilizations

On earth, there are many unique structures that have a mystical origin, since there is no real possibility to explain their origin. The mysteries of the disappeared civilizations continue to puzzle many scientists who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth. Psychics and other people working with energies and having the opportunity to look into the past assure that ancient civilizations existed.

Civilization of Hyperborea

This ancient civilization has another name - Arktida. It is believed that it disappeared, as well as the Atlantis, known to many, because of the Great Flood. The death of ancient civilizations has no real confirmation, but a lot of information is known from different peoples, which is more of a conjecture.

  1. There is a hypothesis that the ancient Hyperboreans were magicians and 20 thousand years ago there was a great battle with the inhabitants of Atlantis, as a result of which the Ural was formed.
  2. The people of Hyperborea were gifted, and he did his best to be creative.
  3. In the encyclopedia, the Hyperboreans are called a fabulous people who lived in a paradise country. People have always been eternally young, never sick and enjoyed a happy life.

Civilization of Lemuria

If you rely on information from secret sources, then the first ancient civilization was on a huge continent, which was called Lemuria. Another name is known - Mu. The following is known about this civilization:

  1. It existed for 52 thousand years.
  2. The ancient Lemurians reached a height of 18 meters and had supernatural powers .
  3. The cause of the extinction is the huge earthquake that occurred due to the displacement of the earth's belt.
  4. The legacy of ancient civilizations lies in the building science, thanks to which people erected stone buildings.

The Hittide Civilization

According to existing legends in the Indian and Pacific Ocean was a huge continent - Hittida. It is believed that it was inhabited by the ancestors of modern mankind. Historians have found tablets, the decoding of which helped open some of the riddles of ancient civilizations:

  1. The climate on this earth was ideal for human life, animals and plants.
  2. The continent was inhabited by people with yellow, brown, black and white skin. They had supernatural powers, could fly and teleport.
  3. For the people, it was important to unite with nature, which gave them strength.
  4. Many ancient civilizations died because of cataclysms, so Hittid disappeared after the collision of the earth with the asteroid.
  5. According to one version, the continent was inhabited by souls that lived in thin material bodies.

The ancient civilization of Pacifida

Some scientists believe that the Pacific Ocean contains many secrets, there is a version that the continent of the Pacifide was lost in it. Its existence is spoken not only by esotericists, but also by researchers who discover traces of ancient civilizations.

  1. It is believed that the land was inhabited by real giants, whose growth reached five meters, or even higher. Confirm or refute this information is now impossible.
  2. Confirmation of the existence of the Pacifides are giant stone statues of moai, which are on Easter Island. Scientists could not determine what inventions of ancient civilizations allowed to make such huge statues.
  3. There are several versions explaining the reason for the disappearance of the continent and according to the most reliable of them the whole matter in the movement of the continental plates, which led to the fact that the Pacifida has cracked and sank to the ocean floor. It is believed that Easter Island is the part left from the ancient civilization.

Ancient civilizations - Atlantis

Ever since the days of Ancient Greece, the mystery of Atlantis has worried humanity and a huge number of scientists for 2,5 thousand years have tried to determine the location of its location and history of existence. The first person who wrote about Atlantis was the philosopher Plato, whose writings are based on modern researchers.

  1. The philosopher points out that the cities of ancient civilization were rich, and he considered the Atlanteans to be the descendants of Poseidon.
  2. The ancient disappeared civilizations were rich, so the temple of the main deity of Poseidon was lined with gold, silver and other metals. On the territory of Atlantis there were many statues of the lord of the sea and his wife, made of gold.
  3. The inhabitants of the mainland had fun on horseback. They loved the Atlanteans to take thermal baths, as there was a source of cold and hot water in the territory.
  4. Atlantis was lost because of a huge earthquake and floods.
  5. A lot of research was carried out, which made it possible to detect domes of churches, different buildings and other objects. From the bottom were raised crystals that are able to increase the energy that is passed through them.