Lumbar sciatica - symptoms

Radiculitis is a complex of symptoms that manifests itself when the spinal cord roots are damaged (compressed) (bundles of nerve fibers emanating from the spinal cord). Most often, sciatica occurs in middle-aged and elderly people and is seen in the lumbar or lumbosacral section. It is this department of the spine, consisting of five vertebrae, which undergoes the greatest loads, in it is the center of gravity of the body. The reasons, symptoms and treatment of lumbar (sciatica) radiculitis will be discussed in this article.

The main symptoms of lumbosacral radiculitis

The defeat of the lumbosacral roots has the following manifestations:

In addition, there may be a feeling of numbness of the skin, tingling. Patients are trying to limit movement, tk. any activity increases pain. Often the person takes a forced posture, bending the spine to the side of defeat and holding it in this position.

Causes of lumbar sciatica

The compression of bundles of nerve fibers is explained, first of all, by the loss of the elasticity of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs and the decrease in the distance between the vertebrae. This can occur due to the following diseases:

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis

Treatment of radiculitis is complex and varies depending on the causes and stages of pathology. It can include:

Recommended adherence to bed rest during an acute period, as well as sleep on a hard flat surface, sparing the regime of physical exertion in the future.

Acute lumbosacral radiculitis

This form of radiculitis is also called lumbago or "lumbago". It manifests itself by a sudden attack of acute pain in the lumbar region and muscle tension, which is more often associated with certain movements of the trunk. For example, an attack can occur with a sharp tilt forward with a simultaneous turn to the side, an awkward lifting of gravity. The predisposing factor may be the hypothermia of the lumbar region.

When an attack occurs, a person is forced to freeze in a half-bent position, as muscle spasm occurs, and any movement increases pain. Often the pain disappears after a few minutes or hours as suddenly as it appeared.

To facilitate the patient's condition, it is recommended to lie on a firm surface, slightly lifting and bending his legs. The causes and treatment of acute lumbar sciatica are similar to those described above.