Exercises for the back with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease. If earlier they were sick mainly people older than 35 years, now you can meet even adolescents with this disease. It is important to regularly perform therapeutic exercises for the back, which will mitigate the course of the disease.

Exercises for the back with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is the most common type of this disease. In this case, the exercises for the back patient will be as follows:

Such exercises for the back and spine of the house can be performed absolutely by any person, except those who have a neglected stage of osteochondrosis.

Healthy back: exercises for the cervical spine

Many of these exercises for the back and neck at work can be performed with the same success as at home:

In addition to these, there are exercise exercises for the back and neck, which must be performed in a prone position:

Additional exercises for the back with osteochondrosis

If you feel fatigue in the back, exercises in the back pool are very helpful. In this case, it is not necessary to perform a complex to surprisingly other visitors: you can simply swim on your back, on your stomach, tumbling underwater in both directions, etc. Even this will be a great help to your spine and relieve you of unpleasant sensations.

If you do not have a very neglected stage of osteochondrosis, you can practice exercises with an expander for the back. Strengthened muscles will become an excellent frame, and the spine will carry a lesser load.