Husky dog

Husky dogs rank second in popularity in social networks. The first goes, of course, to cats. Friendly animals literally smile from photographs, declaring their good, peace-loving character.

Husky dogs: a description of the breed

At the withers, the husky dogs reach a height of 60 cm, the bitches are below the height, usually not more than 56 cm. The weight of the males reaches 28 kg, the bitches - no more than 23 kg.

Black-white or gray-white color with black marks throughout the body. Perhaps a kind of mask around the eyes. Very rarely occurs brown-white, brown or pure white hussy color.

Thick short hair, with a very soft undercoat. Care for the coat of the husky is not complicated. The main thing is to comb the dog every day. From two months you can begin to accustom the puppy to the hairbrush, from six months, when the hair coat is formed, combing should be regular.

Husks are very fond of children, never attack them, do not bite. With adult relationships are established benevolent, family members love, but the closest to all converge with only one person in the family. Despite all the external benevolence, the character of the husky dog ​​is far from the softness, they are very self-willed and stubborn.

They never allow themselves to be ripped off by anger even to the master - they simply stop listening, without expressing any vivid aggression.

To unfamiliar people are friendly enough, so do not use Husky as a guard dog.

Care for the Husky puppy

Like any other puppy, husky requires attention and care.

It is necessary to immediately determine its place, so as not to change the location of the litter and bowl in the future. Do not immediately acquaint the puppy with friends, invite relatives to look at the dog, and take the puppy out into the light. The first time for a Husky puppy, life in a new home can become a real stress - he will miss his mom, he will look for "his" smells. Therefore, it is recommended that before picking up the puppy from his mother, put his own thing next to him, so that he gets accustomed to the smell of the new owner for several days. After moving, the same thing can be placed next to the litter of the puppy. Education of Husky puppies should be started from 1.5 months.

Characteristics of the character and way of life of the Husky

Husky was bred as a shepherd, hunting and sled dog, so it is unbearable for her to be at home, without a constant load. Husky just needs running, performing different commands. For them to be in a heavy harness with other huskies - not work, not heavy duty, but the natural necessity of the organism.

These dogs are provided for significant loads, work, for living in harsh conditions. In their nature, even completely lacking the concept of "property" - they are always ready to share what they have, even if this is not enough for them. This feature of character helps them survive in the most difficult situations in the transitions during severe frosts.

Locking the husky in the apartment means to condemn her to torment. This dog was born to show its strength, perseverance and devotion.

Care and training of the husky

Characteristics of the care and training of the husky are also associated with the nature of the character.

Husky training starts from three months. The first thing that a puppy should be accustomed to is his nickname. Then you can start learning the very first teams. Begin training with the commands "sit", "to me", "close". It is these teams that lay the foundation for dog obedience. The main thing that you need to remember when training husky - you can not break, scold and angry with the dog. All teams, with the exception of "fu" and "impossible", must be pronounced with a firmly set voice, but without threats.