Toxic encephalopathy

Toxic encephalopathy is a severely leaking brain damage associated with acute or chronic intoxication of various origins. This form of encephalopathy occurs quite often.

Causes of toxic encephalopathy

This disease develops due to the effect on the body of neurotoxic poisons, which include:

The ingestion of toxic substances into the body leads to the destruction of blood vessels and tissues of various parts of the brain. There is diffuse tissue atrophy, cerebral edema, increased ventricular volume, cerebral hemorrhage and other pathological processes.

Types of intoxication in toxic encephalopathy

There are two main types of intoxication:

  1. Acute - occurs as a result of a single, intense action of a poisonous substance. In acute conditions, immediate medical attention is required, and in the future - rehabilitation measures.
  2. Chronic - develops in conditions of systematic entry of poisonous substances into the body, when the latter can no longer resist their effects. In this case, a long treatment course is required.

Symptoms of toxic brain encephalopathy

At the initial stage neurointoxication can be expressed by common manifestations, characteristic for the poison that caused the poisoning. Often, there is an asthenovegetative syndrome - a combination of the following symptoms:

With the further arrival of poisonous substances or with their insufficient excretion, neurointoxication progresses, and practically irreversible structural changes develop in the brain tissues. The following symptoms occur:

Specific cases are characterized by specific clinical manifestations. So, for alcoholic toxic encephalopathy, which occurs when alcoholism of the third degree, the following are the first signs:

In the case of toxic manganese encephalopathy, the following symptoms are observed:

Treatment of toxic encephalopathy

Treatment of the disease is carried out in a stationary environment. Complex medication is prescribed, the primary goal of which is detoxification. Drugs are selected depending on the type of poison. Also, such therapeutic measures as:

At the next treatment stage, measures are taken to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and enhance metabolism processes. As symptomatic agents, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants and sedatives can be prescribed. After stabilization of the condition, the treatment course is supplemented by physiotherapeutic measures:

The prognosis for toxic encephalopathy is determined by the degree of brain damage, the possibility of carrying out specific therapy. In some cases, it is possible to achieve only stabilization of the state.