Diagnosis of pupils' level of education

Assessments are a good way to objectify the student's knowledge. But how to deal with such complex things as being educated, intelligent? After all, for the further life of children these are no less important aspects. Recently, in educational institutions the big accent is put on definition of a level of education of pupils.

Determining the level of pupilty of pupils

Diagnosis of the level of pupilty of pupils is carried out depending on the age of schoolchildren and the chosen methodology. There are different ways of studying the level of upbringing, but the most popular method is N.P. Kapustina.

How does the diagnosis go? The teacher distributes questionnaires with questions that, in turn, fill the child, and then the class teacher. That is, to begin with, the student evaluates himself on a five-point scale (5-always, 4-often, 3-rare, 2-never, 1-different), and then the same procedure is also performed by the class teacher. That is, through this questionnaire, he expresses his opinion about the level of the child.

The questionnaire for children from the 1st to the 4th class contains the following sections: "Curiosity", "Attention", "Attitude to nature", "I and the school", "Beautiful in my life". Each section consists of several statements, which speak about the level of child's upbringing.

We offer you an example of such a questionnaire:

An arithmetic mean is displayed for each section. Then, all the estimates are summed up and divided into five - this is a conditional definition of the level of education. The results are divided into 4 levels - high (5-4.5), good (4.4-4), medium (3.9-2.9), low (2.8-2).

Further, the results are checked by the administration, based on the results of which work is being built with the children's collective with the aim of raising the level of pupils' upbringing. Also, there is a dynamic throughout the entire school (from the first to the eleventh grade).

For the upper grades, testing takes place on the same principle, but with some adjustments. The criteria for the upbringing of students change - there are more complex concepts: "Duty and responsibility", "Thrift", "Discipline" "Responsible attitude to study", "Attitude to social work", "Collectivism, a sense of comradeship", "Kindness and responsiveness", "Honesty and justice". The calculation is also made for each item, then it is summarized and the result is output.

It is believed that the higher the level of upbringing in a child, the greater the likelihood that he will successfully build relationships in society, career, and his future life. Therefore, if your child has not achieved a good result, do not spare time, work together with him on his character. This will pay off to you in full!