Bronchopneumonia - symptoms

This disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes that occur in the tissues of the respiratory system. Bronchopneumonia, the symptoms of which are discussed further, arises from the complication of certain ailments, or it can be an independent disease. The most vulnerable to it are people with weakened immunity, which allows the development of microbes and viruses.

In addition to the above reasons, to provoke the disease can foreign objects and food get into the respiratory tract or inhalation of poisonous substances.

Symptoms of bronchopneumonia in adults

If this pathological process is formed as a result of a complicated course of bronchitis or catarrh of the respiratory tract, then the initial signs are very difficult to establish.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to such manifestations of the disease:

  1. Acute bronchopneumonia differs feverish condition, high temperature, the values ​​of which reach 39 degrees. Expressed signs of intoxication of the body, manifested in weakness, loss of appetite, chills, muscle pain.
  2. Also it is worth paying attention to the cough. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is dry, nasal. Gradually the sputum of a greenish shade starts to be allocated, sometimes in it blood veins can be observed.
  3. Dyspnoea is another important sign of bronchopneumonia. Especially it is characteristic for a serious course of the disease. In patients there is a shallow breathing, air deficiency.
  4. Painful sensations in the sternum, arising from deep inhalation and coughing.
  5. When listening, dry small bubbling rales are revealed, characterized by inconsistent localization. After small breaths, they can change the location. Breathing remains vesicular.
  6. leukocytosis, which occurred against the background of an excessive number of neutrophils. A blood test shows an increase in ESR, as well as a significant A low number of leukocytes is detected during the examination.

X-ray in bronchopneumonia

An important diagnostic method is the analysis of the radiographic picture. During pronounced bronchopneumonia, the focal character of tissue damage is clearly visible:

  1. In lobular pneumonia, pulmonary lobules are captured, with focal diameters reaching 15 mm.
  2. With acinous form, acini lesions occur with foci with a diameter of up to three millimeters.

In both cases, the foci are multiple, sometimes merging into a continuous darkening.