Scientific knockout, or why the weaker sex is not women, but men

Well, girls, it's time to finally put an end to the debate about gender equality or inequality ...

... and no longer attributing to men the role of a strong half of humanity just because they average us a couple of cm higher, a couple of pounds heavier, and also because they have a wider bone, more powerful than the tendon and more muscle mass.

We would very much like to feel near the second half, like behind a stone wall and forget about all these feminist tricks, but facts, and, especially, scientific ones are stubborn! And we found them a lot to put the men on the shoulder blades, well, that is, to prove that the strong sex is women!

1. The difference from the birth of a new life

Did you know that the mother's placenta behaves differently depending on who the woman is carrying? Scientists from different universities in the world have confirmed that the male fetus is larger and grows faster. As a result, there is a tension in the placenta, because of which the food goes worse to the baby, and the mother's blood pressure rises. Well, when a woman wears a girl under her heart, the placenta reacts to the fetus more steadily and has time to give the child stronger immunity against infections! Well, it is now clear why men are more likely to catch flu, pneumonia and other infections ...

2. Important organs in girls develop faster

In the womb of the mother all the important organs and, especially, the lungs develop faster in girls, but it is the boys who rush to appear earlier (often prematurely). This threatens their early life! And yet - it turns out, even if the same-sexed newborn give the same help to doctors immediately after birth, then according to statistics, boys are more likely to have a fatal outcome ...

3. Men, control your emotions!

That's exactly what you do not exactly expect to read, so this is what emotionally men are more vulnerable and fragile ... In the country of Foggy Albion they conducted an experiment for which six-year-old children were invited. All the boys and girls were allowed to listen to the same crying of the child and the male half responded more sensitively to this action. It turns out that boys have stress hormones released more quickly, and they also need more time to calm down. Well, for the sake of persuasiveness - the heart rhythm of boys at such times is accelerated much more often. How vulnerable they are!

4. "F" outperform "M" in the tests for IQ

It is known that the part of the brain responsible for memory and emotions (hippocampus) is the same in size both sexes, but even here women have a handicap - thanks to more channels that pass through its two halves, it is easier for them to collect infu from different sources and do logical reasoning! Oh, yes, you did not forget that the highest IQ is 228, too, for a woman - American Marilyn von Savant? But she "did" to Einstein himself! Well, and a couple more proofs - a beautiful half of humanity seized 60% of all academic degrees, and companies in which the CEO - women, always succeed!

5. Be healthy!

We already remembered about our strong immune system? But such a power and flexibility they are given a high level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which successfully fight with an enzyme that prevents the protection of the body from various adversities such as viruses and bacteria. But most importantly - the culprit of the fact that men during even a mild cold, behave like suicide bombers on the bed, is the Y chromosome, more precisely - there is no second X chromosome that is in women. The X chromosome contains genes that protect the female genus from many infections. That's why ladies are more easily tolerated by gentlemen. But we still trust the family, but we will not talk about it so as not to injure their sensitive soul ...

6. We will play with muscles?

It seems that the muscles are the only thing that we lack ... Alas, men do not have this terrible subcutaneous fat, which we are hard at fighting, and if a man is on a diet, he loses weight very quickly. But on this, perhaps, everything ... The predominance of muscles over the fat in which we copy energy, very quickly exhausts our halves (yes, women are hardier), because of what they can not tolerate hunger and stress. In general, if women and men are given the same physical load, then guess - who will give up sooner? You will not believe, but even with age, women lose their reserves of endurance only by 2% for every 10 years, and men - by as much as 11%!

7. Interesting facts:

8. Women live longer

Well, now is the time of knockout! We opened the list of the oldest people on the planet in Wikipedia, and it turned out that out of 100 people - with the letter "M" - only six. Yes, women live longer, and eight of the world's oldest people on the planet also do not have men. They are not there! By the way, the most senior today is a resident of Jamaica, Violet Brown. She went to the 117th year ...