The only artery of the umbilical cord

The only artery of the umbilical cord is often enough, and the frequency increases significantly if the woman has multiple pregnancies or diabetes mellitus. As a rule, aplasia of the umbilical artery, and this is the name of such a phenomenon, does not pose a special danger for the child, but still requires additional examination and constant monitoring.

Syndrome of the only artery of the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord is the main connection between the baby and the mother. Normally the umbilical cord has 2 arteries and one vein. Through the vein the child receives oxygen, nutrients and essential trace elements, and through the arteries removes waste products. In some cases, there are anomalies, in which there is only one artery in the umbilical cord. This phenomenon is called the syndrome of a single artery or aplasia.

If the aplasia of the umbilical artery is the only pathology, then there is no danger for the child. Of course, the load increases significantly, but, as a rule, even one artery cope with its functions.

It is worth noting that such a pathology can talk about chromosomal abnormalities or cause a malformations of the heart, pelvic organs, kidneys and lungs in a child. The only artery of the umbilical cord can be primary or acquired - when the second vessel was, but for some reason stopped developing and fulfill its functions. In any case, when a similar anomaly is detected, a thorough examination is required to identify other vices, as well as constant monitoring of the doctor.

Diagnosis of a single cord of the umbilical cord

Determine the anomaly can be as early as the 20th week of pregnancy with ultrasound in a cross section. At the same time, if there are no other complications, then the umbilical cord, even with one artery, copes with its task, maintaining the blood flow in the norm.

In any case, when a syndrome of a single umbilical artery is found, a thorough examination of the fetus is recommended. The probability of development of other vices and genetic disorders is great.

With aplasia of the umbilical artery, a regular the passage of Doppler. This method of examination allows you to follow the changes in blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord. There are several indicators that are used to determine the norm of blood flow in the umbilical artery: the resistance index (IR), the systolic-diastolic ratio (SDO), the blood flow velocity (KSK) curves.

It should be remembered that the detection of only one syndrome of a single umbilical artery should in no case be a reason for aborting a pregnancy. Only in combination with other vices and chromosomal abnormalities such a pathology poses a danger to the child's life and its subsequent development.