Design of wallpaper for the hall

If you plan to carry out repairs in the hall, pay attention to interesting design developments in this area. The fact is that the scientific approach to decorating rooms allows you to achieve certain goals that are pursued by every owner.

  1. The existing advantages should be strengthened - the large size of the room, her lordship, etc.
  2. Should be leveled all the shortcomings, which include small dimensions of the room, lack of proper lighting .
  3. To achieve all these goals, you can use the classic means - wallpaper, so they should be given more attention in the design of the future interior.

So, choosing a wallpaper design for a hall is both an easy and a difficult task. Easy - because it's interesting. And a difficult one - because the number of types, types and textures of the wallpaper offered by today's shops exceeds several hundred different variations.

The most popular and widespread in recent times has been the development of wallpaper design for the hall in a combined way. Its essence is simple - part of the room is pasted with one type, color or texture of wallpaper, and a part - completely different. There are several possible variations:

For example, a solution is often used, such as vertical or horizontal dark or light strips. These are often called "curbs", "bumpers", indicating the separation of different decorated zones.

Laws of perception of the interior

During the development of the design of wallpapering in the hall, some rules are taken into account that are important in the process of assessing a person's perception of the surrounding reality.

So, firstly, light colors visually significantly increase the space. The converse is also true.

Secondly, small drawings increase the size of small halls, while large ones reduce large rooms.

Thirdly, vertical bands, especially differing in color, visually increase the height of the room, "reducing" its length. And, on the contrary - horizontal bands "lengthen" the rooms, but visually reduce the height.

And, finally, one of the main rules considered when designing the ceiling design in the hall - wallpaper, is some features of contrast. So the contrast of wallpaper and furniture is unacceptable. Dark furniture with light wallpaper will touch the "dirty" spot, and light on the dark - "undecorated" section of the room. Therefore, the contrast was applied to several sections of the walls, on which are glued different in content, tonality and other characteristics of the wallpaper.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the audience?

The algorithm for selecting wallpaper for the audience is as follows. First of all, the design style of the room itself, the whole apartment or a country house is being developed. Then there are several different color shades that can be acceptable for this style. The next step - the chosen tones are combined, after which they are planned to be realized on the walls. And, finally, the area is marked out, where any wallpaper will be pasted. The final stage is the implementation of the idea with possible further adjustments.

One of the practical solutions that allow you to significantly diversify the possibilities of combined wall gluing is the choice of painting wallpapers. The fact is that by tinting one can choose from more than a thousand color shades. This approach to decorating the hall significantly enhances the possibilities of decor.