Perennial flowers for the flower bed

With the help of flower beds you can make the site not just a bright and beautiful piece of garden art, but also add comfort. To create compositions from plants, they use conifers, ornamental-deciduous and ornamental-flowering. Today we will stop at the perennial flowers for the flower garden.

What perennials to choose?

Perennial flowers for a flower bed should be selected proceeding from what type of a flower bed you are going to plant. Beautiful flower beds of perennials can be created in the following styles:

Beautiful flower beds of perennials: tips for gardeners

Even if your flowerbed consists of perennials alone, this does not mean that you have planted the plants once and for all. That plants do not lose their decorative qualities and please you with abundant flowering, you should change them every two years. Among such plants, for example, the phlox is subulate. If you do not change it for a long time, glades will form in the bush after the fall of the dead leaves. Therefore, once a year, dig up and divide the plant into smaller parts, and then plant it again.

Some perennials do not require a transplant for a long time. These are, for example, hosts, astilbes or anemones. Some ground cover also will not require an annual transplant from you. These include viviparous, periwinkle, Arabian and thyme.

To ensure that your flowerbed has a presentable appearance all year round, you should select the plant species correctly. It is better, when some begin to bloom early in the spring, and the rest a little later one after another, then the flowerbed will always be beautiful and bright.

How to make a flower bed of perennials?

After you have picked up perennial flowers for the flowerbed, you can start planting them. This should be done in several stages:

  1. Place for planting should be carefully prepared. All the weeds are excavated with roots. Soil is prepared in this way: clayey heavy soil is treated with sand, but too light soil should be improved with stone flour or clay soil.
  2. It is necessary to loosen the soil well before making a flower bed of perennials, then the growth of flowers will be rapid, and flowering - abundant. Loosen the forks to a depth of about 35 cm. At the same time, it is necessary to mix well compost, sand and earth.
  3. We draw an approximate plan of landing on the site. We exhibit plants according to this plan. It is better to plant at least three specimens of each plant species.
  4. We take out carefully the plant from the pot and plant it in the prepared well. Try not to damage horses, after planting it is necessary to water abundantly.
  5. Plant the plants in such a way that the surface of the earth coma is at the level of the edges of the landing hole.