How to grow a mandarin - the basic rules of planting and care

Aromatic citrus tree is not more difficult to grow than any other fruit crop. Learning how to grow a mandarin, you can take advantage of this tree - high immunity, ease of care and good yields will simplify the task of the most inexperienced gardener.

Where do they grow mandarins?

Citrus fruits are whimsical to the climate: their homeland is subtropics, so they need a short warm winter and a long wet summer. This rule applies to growing outdoors, because in the apartment the heat-loving tree can bloom and bear fruit almost all the year round. Recommendations on how to raise a mandarin at home, vary, based on the conditions of cultivation. Their main differences are that:

  1. For planting in the garden should choose early-ripening crops with small sweet fruits, so as not to worry about the loss of harvest due to early frosts and torrential rains. The development of indoor varieties can be regulated artificially - the choice is not limited.
  2. When experienced gardeners tell how to grow a mandarin, they first mention the place of planting. It should be the most sunny in the garden and at the same time protected from the cold wind. Reflection and sprayer are installed on the windowsill or in the winter garden.

Growing mandarins in the open ground

If the landing site is still selected garden, the most frost-resistant varieties from existing ones are selected. Pay attention to the hybrids: they are withdrawn artificially, which guarantees good varietal characteristics. In the open ground they grow both through direct seed planting, and after a cuttings transplantation. To not have to puzzle over whether it is possible to grow a mandarin in an ordinary garden after buying seeds, you need to pay attention to such varieties:

How to grow a mandarin in a pot?

At home, any plant is easier to grow, because you do not have to deal with weather whims and raids of pests. Buy an grown tree from the sellers of flower shops is not necessary at least because the plants are prepared for sale with the addition of potent fertilizers, without which the tree of the house can die in a couple of days. To understand how to grow a mandarin on a window, the following knowledge about this culture will help:

  1. From the planting of the stone or cuttings before the appearance of the fruit, 2-3 years pass minimum. During this time, the plant will replace the thin leaves with dense leaves, as if covered with wax, and strengthen the trunk, as well as the root system.
  2. The correct form of the citrus tree is spherical or close to it. Specialists who know how to grow a mandarin insist on this form, because it allows you to identify in time the diseases of the trunk and the upper part of the root.
  3. The worst neighbors for mandarin, affecting the energy of growth and taste of fruit - poisonous houseplants (cyclamen, spurge, diffenbachia or striped aloe).

How to grow a mandarin from a bone at home?

Everything, that is connected with the answer to a question on, whether it is possible to grow a mandarin from a bone at home, is similar to a method of germination of any fruit on a window sill. Bones soaked in gauze for a week in order that they swelled. The gauze fabric should be slightly damp, but not wet. It can be replaced with a hydrogel that retains moisture. After poklevyvaniya shoots they are transplanted on this principle:

  1. In a peat pot with a mixture of base soil and turf ground with the addition of clay, 2-3 centimeters of seeds are added.
  2. The first top dressing is carried out when the height of the sprout reaches 5-6 cm.
  3. When the mandarin strengthens, it, together with an earthen lump, is transplanted into a large pot.

Is it necessary to plant a mandarin grown from a stone?

Without inoculation, Mandarin necessarily yields fruits, which in most cases will be bitter in taste. Guaranteed result of a full-fledged harvest with excellent taste properties can promise solely a graft. Before planting a mandarin grown from a bone, the future workplace is disinfected to ensure the survival of shoots. The manipulation does not require special skills:

  1. On the trunk of the plant a miniature incision is made in the form of a letter T, the vertical of which will be 2 times longer than the horizontal.
  2. From the scion taken from a fruit-bearing plant, a branch of a branch with a kidney, without a leaf plate and thorns, is taken. It is inserted into the incision, and after the injured section of the trunk is wound with an elastic band - otherwise how to grow a mandarin if it is ruined by an infection? The plant is placed under a glass jar or covered with a packet.
  3. When the bud grows, the jar is removed, and the place of the incision is treated with a garden vine .

When will blossom mandarin grown from a stone?

Flowers on citrus - the main indicator that care for the plant is carried out according to all the rules. Flowers on it will appear 3-4 weeks after the appearance of the first ovaries. If the cultivation of mandarin from the seed is delayed and the buds do not appear, the beginner can accelerate their appearance by proven methods:

Will the mandarin be grown from a stone?

Waiting for harvest in the first year after planting does not make sense. There are cases when the citrus began to bear fruit for the second year after inoculation, but the fruits could not be eaten because of the excessive use of fertilizers. To anyone who wants to understand how to grow a decorative mandarin without eating fruits, this option is suitable. Gardeners dreaming of a juicy crop will need at least 2-3 years before the appearance of suitable ovaries.

How to grow a mandarin from a cut?

The reproduction of citrus from the fruit tree is simpler than through the germination of bones. To grow a mandarin from a twig, you need to find a healthy stalk with 1-2 green leaves, and then proceed as follows:

  1. In the plastic pot with drainage holes, a drop is planted from below, and a glass jar is placed on top.
  2. For rooting, he spends at least 2-3 months, during which the plant can not be disturbed by transplants and sprayings.
  3. When the mandarin begins to expand, and the thickness of the trunk is 1 cm in diameter, it can be transplanted into a large pot or box.

Mandarin - growing conditions

A comfortable atmosphere can be created without serious financial expenses and temporary investments. The recommendations on how to properly grow mandarins in the home clearly outlined the basic directions:

  1. Lighting. The light day for the escaped growth should be increased to 12 hours. In the apartment in winter, phytolamps are used for this.
  2. Watering. For it comes boiled water without foreign matter.
  3. Transfer. As soon as the fruiting level decreases or the tree begins to ache, it is transplanted. The best time for all parameters is February, March, September and October.

Mandarin at home - care

When rooting and inoculation remain in the past, citrus will need to take care of a slightly different plan. Those who know how to grow a mandarin in a pot, say that the emphasis is on making a tree. The ball, consisting of branches, is adjusted as necessary:

  1. When the plant reaches 30-40 cm in height, the side shoots of the first order are pricked to it.
  2. If the citrus starts to branch uncontrollably, form the lower branches, removing all up to 4-5 leaves.
  3. Until 3-4 years, from the fruit of the house tree, weak shoots are removed from the growth.

How to grow a mandarin - watering

Room citrus, like its ancestors, negatively perceives dry periods, therefore it is impossible to forget about its watering. Cultivation of a mandarin on a windowsill with water shortage, but plenty of sunlight, will lead to dropping of leaves and withering of flowers. Excessive watering is dangerous by reducing immunity to fungal diseases. The following subtleties of watering are considered optimal:

  1. Selection of the volume of water, based on the size of the pot, leaf area and mandarin growth. The more these indicators are, the more water you need to use to moisten the land.
  2. Check the soil after watering. You can pierce the soil with a wooden stick for 5-6 cm. It should be slightly moist, not thoroughly impregnated with water.
  3. Watering should be done until 12 noon. Then the plant activates vital processes to the maximum.
  4. Observance of the temperature regime. As though it would not be desirable to grow mandarin sooner, it is necessary to observe its life cycle. If the plant falls into a "hibernation" due to a drop in temperature outside the window, it is watered only slightly, to maintain the vital activity in it.

How to grow a mandarin with fruits - top dressing

Variants of citrus fertilizer are divided into two types: root and foliar. If fertilizers of the first type contribute to an increase in the immunity of the trunk, then additives of the second type accelerate the growth and maturation of glossy fruits. Since it is possible to grow a mandarin in an apartment only in a pot or box, the responsibility for the saturation of the soil with organic substances rests with the owner of the tree. Overfeed it does not make sense - fertilizer is used no more often than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Use for water enrichment before watering and spraying can:

Growing tangerines at home - diseases and pests

At home, citrus is not very much threatened, because it is resistant to most of the known phytoinfections. External defects of fruits caused by insufficient watering or lack of sunlight and microelements are common. Non-compliance with nursing rules is rarely displayed on the tree, but its symptoms are important to everyone. Among them: dwarfism, jaundice of leaves, shrinkage of the trunk, folds on the leaves and shedding of the ovaries. Before growing a mandarin at home, it is worth familiarizing with the list of pests that provoke diseases on citrus cultures:

  1. Spider mite. Red mite hides on the substrate of leaves and from there begins to envelop the entire leaf with a thin web, which causes discoloration and damage to flowers.
  2. Whitefly. Moth with wings of light color negatively affects all that is connected with the answer to the question on how to grow mandarin properly. It gives the leaves a painful waxy tone, reduces the number of tied buds and destroys the harvest in the active growth phase.
  3. Thrips. Black "dashes" are almost invisible on shoots, which turns them into one of the most common pests that carry viruses from plants to plants.
  4. Mealybug. The larvae of the parasite secrete toxic gluten, which irritates the outer layer of leaves and fruits.