Aquarium carnivorous fish

Many aquarists plant themselves predators. In this case, the most common mistake is the selection of carnivorous fish along with the peace-loving ones. Buying a certain set of fish, it is necessary, first of all, to know about their compatibility. If your aquarium has goldfish, predators will simply eat them. Also it should be remembered that by purchasing for the aquarium very different in size fish, you greatly risk, even peace-loving fish can eat small individuals. Let's consider more in detail the most widespread kinds of aquarium predatory fishes.


These predatory fishes belong to the group of perciformes. Aquarists love them for their beautiful bright color and for their unusual behavior. These fish have high intelligence and can learn their master, respond to the movement of the hands and watch life outside the aquarium.

Eight Striped Cyclazoma

These fish are predators in natural conditions, they reach a length of 20 cm, they grow up to 15 cm in the aquarium. Their body is oblong, dark blue or bluish. Obligatory is the presence of eight transverse bands. Tsiglazoma eight-stripe is very aggressive, so it should be contained in a species aquarium, which has a length of at least 90 cm, large flat stones and sandy soil. Plants in the aquarium to withstand the attacks of fish, should have a strong root system. In small quantities, they need to give a finely chopped liver and beef meat.

Krenitsihla heart

These predatory aquarium fishes have a long elongated body 20-25 cm. For their maintenance, a large aquarium of 400 liters is required. A distinctive feature of the anticline is a dark longitudinal strip, as well as black spots on the sides. They feed on small herbivorous fish, amphibians and crustaceans. For a normal digestion, a predator needs vegetable fiber. Most often attack from an ambush to fish, which violated their territory, including on their relatives. In an aquarium it is desirable to have snags, various caves and aquarium plants - this will help to choose a shelter to taste.

Astronot brindle

This fish is also called Oscar. In natural conditions, the length of her body can reach 35 cm, and in the aquarium 25 cm. Its oval body is slightly flattened at the sides, the forehead is large and convex, and at the base of the tail there is a black spot called the "false eye". These are the most common carnivorous fish for the aquarium, in particular albinos and red specimens of astronotus with white fins. This predator is unpretentious in content, but behaves with neighbors quite aggressively. The volume of the aquarium for them should be at least 200 liters. They feed on live food or its dry substitute.


It is a small fish with large eyes and a length of up to 10 cm. Her head smoothly flows into a short, round body. A distinctive feature of this individual is that it can "inflate" its body at the slightest danger. You can enrich the diet of these fish finely chopped liver, heart or beef meat. Be sure to select in the aquarium a place where the notebook can hide, otherwise it will become unnecessarily aggressive to the relatives.


Of course, aquarium piranhas are not as bloodthirsty as their wild relatives. They have lost their aggressiveness and do not represent Dangers for people. Inside the pack reigns matriarchy, where "superfluous" kinsmen are simply killed. The aquarium for the pack should be at least 400 liters. The lack of space will immediately make these fish more aggressive towards each other or the rest of the fish. As neighbors neon, guppies and other small fish fit, piranhas do not pay any attention to them. They can be fed with earthworms, finely chopped meat, sea fish and shrimp. Despite their reputation, aquarium piranhas are very shy, they can faint from a flash of light and loud sound, so it's better to place the aquarium in a quiet place.