Tomatoes - the best varieties for canning

Every gardener, growing tomatoes , pursues a certain goal. One wants to grow tomatoes that are tasty in fresh and salads, others think about harvesting for the winter. Let's look at which varieties of tomatoes are considered the best for canning.

Tomato varieties for canning

In tomatoes intended for preservation, the skin should be sufficiently dense, so that it does not burst during heat treatment. Fruits should have a good sugar content, have a smooth smooth surface and a small mass. These requirements are fully consistent with the following:

  1. De-Barao - this tall variety is considered one of the best tomatoes for canning. Fruits of this variety weighing 70-90 grams are red, yellow, pink. The skin on the tomatoes is thick, and the flesh is dense. On one brush sometimes grows up to 9-12 fruits.
  2. Angolan - mid-ripening variety of tomatoes. Delicious sweet fruits of dark red color have the form of cream. Maturation of tomatoes occurs first on the lower brushes, and then on the upper ones. Tomatoes are very tasty in canned form.
  3. Moscow delicacy is a novelty among tomatoes of Russian selection. Light red delicious fruit is like a very elongated plum, have dense skin and flesh. The variety is well preserved, well transported and perfectly suited for home canning tomatoes.
  4. Ladies fingers - early-ripening variety of tomatoes. Its small red fruits have an elongated-cylindrical shape. Tomatoes are very tasty in whole-fruit canned form.
  5. Icicle pink - this unpretentious tall variety is bred in Ukraine. It grows well even in the shade, well tolerates both cold and heat, is resistant to many diseases. Extended fruits of pink color are very tasty and fresh, and in pickles, and in conservation.
  6. Carotene - orange fruits of this variety have a perfectly round shape. The name has received the grade thanks to the big maintenance of carotene. Tomatoes do not crack and do not overripe.