What flowers to plant in the country?

For most people, giving is an opportunity to hide from city fuss and restore strength in the bosom of nature. Of course, in order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to make the dacha pleasing to the eye. Making flowers is one of the best ways to achieve a goal. What flowers to plant in the country and on what criteria to choose them, we will consider further in the article.

How to choose flowers for the cottage?

Many beginners and experienced summer residents are interested not only in the result, but in the process of growing flowers in the country. After all, this is a really fascinating activity. First, you need to correctly choose plant varieties, feeling like a landscape designer. It would seem that there is complicated? But there are a lot of subtleties:

  1. We grow flowers at the cottage not just buying up any seeds, but collecting them mentally in a composition that is interesting in color and texture.
  2. Pay attention to the flowering period of each variety, so that from the very beginning of the season until the autumn the site was colorful. If you do not attach importance to this characteristic, there is a great risk of getting a riot of colors in June and boring beds in August.
  3. We choose those varieties and species that are distinguished by unpretentiousness. Resistance to diseases, pests, drought resistance, not too high demands on growth conditions - these are the moments that make flowers for giving ideal.
  4. We decide how to decorate the cottage with flowers, based on the classification of plants - they are divided into annuals and perennials .

Perennials for planting in the country

Perennial plants have undeniable advantages - being planted once, they are pleased with the flowering season for many seasons. The most popular are lilies, clematis, peonies, gladiolus, roses.

  1. Lilies. Very beautiful flowers for the dacha with a pronounced flavor. There are a lot of varieties of lilies, each of which is different in color, height and flowering time, so for each site there is one.
  2. Clematis. These lianas can decorate any object in the country, whether it is a gazebo, a summer kitchen or a veranda. Clematis flowers abundantly from early summer to mid-autumn.
  3. Peonies. Lush peony flowers adorn the stems for a whole month and a half. These are very strong plants that can live on the site for decades.
  4. Gladiolus. Blossom gladioli is not long, but this does not give the visitors a reason to pay attention to their high-colored arrows. In the second half of the summer they unfold in full glory.
  5. Roses. Planting these flowers in the country does not apply to easy, and care of roses can not be called carefree. They require pruning, thinning, regular watering, removal of fruits and petals, but summer residents are ready to make efforts to the queen of flowers appeared in the summer in all greatness.

Annuals for suburban area

What flowers planted in the country of the annual depends primarily on those perennials that are already on the site. The most popular are zinnias, asters, alissums, petunias, and eshsoltsia.

  1. Zinnia. These flowers of all existing in nature shades with the exception of blue are attractive because they blossom until the frosts. Zinnias are absolutely unpretentious and have the ability to attract insects to the sites.
  2. Asters. You can call asters flowers that can prolong the summer in the country, because they blossom in the autumn, when most plants have already blossomed. Fluffy heads on long stems create a festive mood.
  3. Alissum. Compact bushes alissums most often planted along the contour of the flowerbed. These flowers are not just decorative, they serve as protectors of the flowerbed from weeds.
  4. Petunias. These dacha flowers are slightly more whimsical than those described above. They grow relatively slowly, are grown in seedlings, and some of the petunias do not like rain, but their external attractiveness pays off all efforts.
  5. Eschsolcia. Low orange flowers escholtsii all summer resemble small lights, they bloom continuously and decorate the original even the most lazy summer residents.