Nasturtium - planting and care

Homestead gardening is not only interesting, but also healthy. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are fond of planting flowers and flowers. Many of these plants are not only good looking, but also very useful for health. Nasturtium refers precisely to such.

In this article we will talk about nasturtium - its transplantation, flowering and pests. We will tell you how to grow nasturtium from seeds and how to take care of it so that the plant is healthy and strong.

The birthplace of the flower is Central and South America, and in the biological genus of this plant there are more than 45 species. The name "nasturtium" was derived from the Latin word meaning "small trophy". This is due to the shape of the flower and leaves of the nasturtium, reminiscent of a helmet and shield, respectively. Nasturtiums can be either annual or perennial.

In appearance it is a herbaceous plant or medium growth of a half-shrub with a powerful juicy stalk and a multitude of branches. Round, juicy leaves, covered with a wax coating, on the stem are arranged in a strict order. Flowers of irregular shape, single, are placed in the axils of the leaves and have a very pleasant, delicate aroma.

How to grow nasturtium from seeds?

Seeds of nasturtium of medium size - in 1 g from 10 to 40 seeds in a dense shell. The germination capacity of the inoculum is well preserved for 3-4 years.

Nasturtium is a southern, and therefore very heat-loving plant. If you decide to sow it immediately in the open ground, wait until it warms up properly (not earlier than May). For growing seedlings, sow nasturtium can be already in March-April. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 12-24 hours. Sow in groups - 2-4 seeds per well, after which the surface of the soil is wetted with water. Then the pot of seeds is covered with a film and put in a warm place. The first shoots appear after 12-14 days. Flowering begins on average a month and a half after emergence.

Why nasturtium does not arise:

  1. Low temperature.
  2. Excessive humidity.
  3. Poor quality of the seed.
  4. Too heavy soil or too deep seeding in the ground.

Planting nasturtium in the ground

The plant has a rather tender root system and does not tolerate the transplant. If you decide to grow nasturtium through seedlings, take care of minimizing injuries during transplantation - sow it in peat cups or containers with a removable bottom. When planting in the ground, the distance between the plants should be about 25-30 cm.

Grow nasturtium should be in well-lit and windless places. In the shade, the plants become thin and stunted, flowers practically do not form. It is very important to take care of good drainage and moderately fertile soil for the plant - this is the only way to ensure a truly magnificent bloom. Excess organic or mineral nitrogen fertilizers causes nasturtium to expel a lot of leaves, but few colors. Nasturtiums respond well to potash phosphorus fertilizing.

To prolong flowering, dead flowers should be removed without waiting for the maturation of the seeds (of course, only if you do not plan to collect a lot of seed for the next year).

Pests and diseases of nasturtium

Nasturtium is susceptible to attacks of pests of cruciferous cultures - aphids, cruciferous fleas, whiten, cabbage moths, spider mite and bear . To combat them, you should regularly destroy pests by hand or use the appropriate chemical preparations.

Very often, with improper care, the leaves of the plant change color. The reasons why the leaves turn yellow in nasturtium, there may be many, but the most common of them:

In addition to the yellowing of the leaves, their spotting can also be observed-small dark dots with a reddish edge that gradually spread to the entire leaf. In addition, the plant can be affected by bacterial wilt, gray rot, ring-spotted viruses and rust.

To combat diseases, it is very important to remove and burn the affected areas in time, and treat healthy parts of the plant with specialized medications.