Potato "Picasso" - description of the variety

Cultivation of potatoes on a private plot has long become an integral part of the life of most of the inhabitants of our country. The seniors and young people are sent first to land, and then to weed this important culture, which received the honorary title of "second bread". Honored honor is enjoyed by potatoes not only among our compatriots, it is loved and respected in all countries of the world. In many countries, work is under way to improve potato varieties, improving their characteristics. Dutch breeders have done a great job and brought out a great many varieties of potatoes that have successfully taken root throughout the vast territory of the former USSR. It is about one of the brightest representatives of Dutch varieties - the potato "Picasso" and our today's conversation will go.

Potato variety "Picasso" - characteristics and description of the variety

  1. Let's start the description of the potato "Picasso" with its name. So, why is the variety of potato bears the name of a great artist? The blame for this unusual coloring of potatoes is yellow, with bright dark pink eyes. Inside this unusually colored peel, there is a creamy pulp that has rather high taste characteristics.
  2. In potato tubers, "Picasso" contains relatively little starch (about 10%), they are almost not boiled and are suitable for cooking almost all culinary dishes.
  3. The weight of each tuber reaches about 100-120 grams, and only about 20 of them can be collected from the bush. The surface of the tubers is flat, the shape is oval with rounded edges.
  4. The homeland of the potato "Picasso", as mentioned above, was Holland, and in the register of varieties of Russia it was introduced in 1995. In the register of Ukrainian varieties, the cultivar Picasso was registered even later - in 1998.
  5. The variety "Picasso" refers to the medium-late varieties of potatoes - from the emergence of shoots to the death of the tops is about 150 days.
  6. The best harvests of this potato can be obtained in the conditions of the Central and Central Black Earth region of Russia.
  7. Potato variety "Picasso" pleases farmers with their ability to easily tolerate heat and give a consistently good harvest even in conditions of prolonged drought. In addition, this variety is distinguished and increased resistance to diseases and pests: it practically does not undergo scab and blight of tubers, it is not affected by cancer and potato nematode. But along with this, a variety of "Picasso" potatoes may suffer from a leaf curling virus or foliose late blight.
  8. Another excellent quality of this potato is its ability to be stored for a long time without germination. It is thanks to this that this sort of potato is suitable for purchase for the winter. Potato losses during storage do not exceed 10-12%.
  9. Bushes of potato variety "Picasso" grow quite high and spreading, so they need to be planted, withstanding significant intervals - 45-50 cm between bushes. More frequent planting will lead to shading of bushes and, as a consequence, to uprooting and greening of tubers. The leaves on the bushes are large, dark green. Potato varieties of "Picasso" blossom abundantly, releasing large buds of white color.
  10. Planting potatoes "Picasso" does not require obligatory germination before planting. But if the gardener wants to get a crop as quickly as possible, then the tubers should still germinate. After the germination of the tubers, the aging period is reduced by 20-25 days. When planting tubers weighing more than 120 grams, they must be cut into two parts.
  11. Cultivation of potatoes "Picasso" has one feature - it necessarily needs fertilizing the soil. Without applying fertilizers, the taste qualities of such potatoes tend to deteriorate significantly.