Mushroom veselka - medicinal properties and application in folk medicine

A representative of a mushroom community with such a funny name is a real miracle: it comes into being in the form of an egg, from which a peduncle quickly grows, and then a hat. But not speed of growth, he is nice, but by the fact that the fungus veselka shows healing properties that help cope with various ailments and witches.

Mushroom veselka - useful properties

Modern physicians in their arsenal have not only methods, techniques and means of official, but also confirmed by many years of experience of traditional medicine. In this case, medicinal plants, fruits, and fungi can also be used as raw materials. This unusual fungus, which can be found in the vastness of the country, has unique properties traditionally used by folk healers, and now they are included in the official pharmacopoeia.

Among its medicinal properties can be identified:

  1. Suppress the development of cancer cells.
  2. To combat the "bad" cholesterol used mushrooms veselka their use is to cleanse the vessels of cholesterol .
  3. Helps reduce blood pressure.
  4. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens memory.

Naturopaths claim that it helps maintain the reproductive system in "working order". Mushroom veselka therapeutic properties manifests in the fight against infertility in women and contributes to the improvement of male potency. In addition, it is known as a powerful aphrodisiac. He gives us strength and energy, while protecting against overwork and overload.

People's experience speaks about the possibility of using preparations based on the fungus to relieve the severity of gastrointestinal diseases and the healing of ulcerous formations. Being a "secret helper" of a person, he is combating hidden infections that have not yet been identified as acute manifestations and inflammations in hepatic diseases, problems with kidneys and joints.

The curative properties of the fungus are used to prepare infusions for ingestion and as flours and compresses. It is noted that it has a beneficial effect on skin tumors that have arisen as a result of insect bites, with various injuries, trophic ulcers and bedsores, where it is used as an effective wound healing and antitumor agent.

Mushroom gruel - cooking recipes

Preparations can be prepared at home - everything is extremely simple. One of the most effective and uncomplicated in the manufacture of funds is the mushroom veselka (tincture on vodka), which has medicinal properties. It is taken orally, used for compresses, applications, rubbings. Ingredients:


  1. The mushroom base is filled with vodka.
  2. Allow to stand for about two weeks in a cool place.

Practice shows that the obtained medicine does not require straining, as the therapeutic properties of the fungus are preserved precisely in the precipitated sediment. The great advantage of this recipe is that the mushroom tincture will not deteriorate during long-term storage: on the contrary, the healing and healing properties become stronger the longer it is stored.

Another option. If there are no problems of an allergic nature, then you can prepare a drug using honey. To do this, everything is done, as in the recipe for infusion (see above), but replace the vodka with honey, mix well and clean in the refrigerator to avoid fermentation of the product. Usually appoint a three-month course. It will take 250 g of both components.

Mushroom veselka - application in folk medicine

Traditional healers have proven that it has a wide range of uses. They noted that the mushroom veselka shows therapeutic properties and with external application and inside. For treatment various preparations are used, with a mushroom base; while in their composition can be such medicinal products as honey, aloe juice and others, enhancing the effectiveness of their use.

In traditional medicine, this unusual representative of the mushroom family, as a medicine, appeared no more than a century ago, but since that time it has become more widely recognized, and folk medicine has long and actively used it. Mushroom veselka, the use for therapeutic purposes of which, as evidenced by traditional healers, gives an amazing result, successfully fights with a number of serious diseases, among them:

Mushroom gruel - cancer treatment

Treatment of cancer remains a problem worldwide, but experienced herbalists and healers claim that cancer can be treated. They are confident that using drugs based on this unique fungus, it is possible to achieve suppression of the development of cancer cells and further cure. It is considered effective to use a preparation prepared as follows:

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix everything thoroughly and let it steep for a while.
  2. Add the mushrooms and the "egg" from which they grow.
  3. Put in a jar (3 liters), pour the prepared mixture and leave for two weeks.
  4. Take mushroom veselka with oncology recommend for two weeks for one tsp. mixture and one tbsp. tinctures.

Treatment with fungus articular mushroom

With articular pains tincture is applied externally in the form of rubbing. It should be taken into account that the result can not be achieved within a short time, therefore, one should not expect a noticeable improvement in the state after a short-term use of the gum. It is established that with prolonged regular use, the veselin mushroom for joints relieves acute pain in osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis. In this case, it is prepared according to a traditional recipe. The procedure is best done before bedtime.

Mushroom veselka with psoriasis

The polysaccharides, which form part of the fungus, are struggling with this disease, which produce special perforin substances, which suppress the development of foreign tissues and destroy them. The effect is achieved by taking the drug both in the form of rubbers and lotions, and inside, for one teaspoon. in the morning and in the evening. Veselka with psoriasis allows you to get a positive result with prolonged course use. Before the course of procedures it will not be superfluous to contact a specialist to get permission to use a folk remedy, possibly in tandem with traditional medicine to enhance the effect.

Mushroom jar with pressure

Blood pressure can be reduced or normalized by taking infusion prepared according to the usual recipe (see above) for two weeks in an opaque container, best in the refrigerator. Treatment with fungus veselka hypertension is carried out using a tincture without filtration. In this case, the dosage from 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons at one time depends on the severity of the disease. Take it twice a day. However, as practice shows, it is usually enough to take the drug 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Mushroom veselka - medicinal properties (tincture from the thyroid gland)

A unique result has been established for the treatment of diseases associated with the thyroid gland. Use unfiltered tincture, taking it to 1 tbsp. together with ch.l. honey or raw egg twice a day. The question of whether the fungus vesicle helps in goiter has a positive response if taking the drug for a month, and then repeat the course in two weeks. But it is desirable before reception to receive consultation at the expert.

How to take a tincture of mushroom veselka for prophylaxis?

With the help of the fungus, you can not only be treated, but also use it to prevent cardiovascular diseases, problems in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and to strengthen immunity . It is necessary to know how to take mushroom veselka for prophylaxis in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic properties of the fungus. To do this, it will be sufficient to conduct a monthly intake course (2 times a day for 1 tsp) every year in order to save yourself further from possible serious health problems.

Mushroom veselka - contraindications

Although veselka preparations have repeatedly confirmed their healing properties, it will not be superfluous to know about the contraindications they have. Among them:

In addition to contraindications, sometimes mushroom veselka side effects: