How to take fish oil?

Of course, everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil. It is taken for the treatment and prevention of many diseases and adverse conditions of the body, for the restoration and strengthening of protective forces. Consider how to properly take fish oil, so that it brings the maximum benefit to the body and does no harm.

Which fish oil is better to take?

Today there are two forms of release of fish oil: liquid and in gelatin capsules. When used inside it does not really matter which one to give preference. Liquid fish oil, well known to most of our moms and grandmothers, is cheaper than encapsulated, but many people have a specific smell and taste of this drug causing a feeling of disgust, so his reception may seem like a real test. In this case, it is better to buy fish oil in the form of capsules, which will avoid unpleasant sensations when it is applied. In addition, encapsulated fish oil is convenient in dosage, and also, due to the fact that it does not come into contact with air, it is stored longer.

If you give preference to the liquid form of the remedy, it should be taken into account that you can use exclusively white fish oil for ingestion. This variety passes several stages of purification from ingredients that can cause harm to the body (for example, heavy metals). To protect yourself from buying poor-quality fish oil, it is better to buy it in a pharmacy.

How much fish oil should I take?

How long and in what quantities it is necessary to take fish oil in each specific case, only the doctor can tell. It depends on several factors: age, purpose of taking the drug, the presence of contraindications. But still there are general recommendations that are adhered to when taking fish oil in most cases.

If you plan to take this medication for preventive purposes (to maintain health, strengthen immune forces), it is better to consider when taking fish oil will be most useful. Most of all, our body needs such reinforcement in the autumn-winter-spring period. At this time, the body produces less vitamin D because of a lack of sunlight, so calcium and phosphorus is not easily digested. Polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (the main value of fish oil) is an excellent source of energy and a remedy for depressive conditions, which also is very useful at that time.

For prevention, it is enough to take fish oil for three courses lasting 1 month per year. For medical purposes, fish oil is usually taken for 2 to 3 months, after which tests are taken. Reception of the drug continues depending on the results to achieve a therapeutic effect.

How to take fish oil liquid?

Liquid fish oil adults, usually take one tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day. Take it should be after eating, eating a slice of bread or squeezed water.

In addition, fish oil in liquid form is applied externally - in the treatment of wounds, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as cosmetological purposes for hair strengthening.

How to take fish oil in capsules?

Capsulated fish oil is taken in the amount of 1-2 capsules (500 mg) three times a day after meals, washed down with water (not hot).

It is recommended not to keep the capsule in your mouth, but to swallow immediately, to avoid softening its shell.

It should be taken into account that the intake of fish oil (in any form) on an empty stomach can lead to digestive disorders. Overdose of this drug leads to such side effects as nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, exacerbation of some chronic diseases.