Whey Whey - Health Benefits

Serum is a dairy product, the remainder after cheese production. When souring (natural, or with the addition of rennet enzymes, acid), the milk protein casein is coagulated and separated from the liquid - whey. The range of serum is wide enough, it is used in a variety of recipes, it is the basis for the preparation of baby food, because the chemical composition is close to the mother's milk.

The composition of whey includes more than two hundred components. For one hundred grams of the product there are only 18 kcal, and this is 0.8 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fat and 3.5 g of carbohydrates . Proteins are highly bioavailable and easily digested. Contains vitamins B, PP, C, E, H, micro- and macro elements, nicotinic acid. Rich in calcium (in a liter - a daily rate and 40% of the norm of potassium), magnesium and phosphorus salts.

Benefits of dairy whey

The serum helps to restore the intestinal microflora after taking aggressive medications, as well as the mucous membrane of the stomach, eliminates constipation, and cleanses of toxins. If the water-salt balance in the body is violated, it removes excess moisture and reduces swelling. Choline (vitamin B4) stimulates the brain and improves memory. Useful properties of whey are manifested with the regular intake of one glass of drink on an empty stomach.

The use of whey on a diet

Reduce appetite and reduce weight, you can replace harmful drinks with whey. At low fat content and caloric content, the serum creates a feeling of satiety and is a good source of easily digestible proteins and mineral salts to maintain vitality and beauty. For therapeutic purposes, whey is useful in a variety of diseases, when other products are prohibited, contributes to curing diseases of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, eliminates dysbiosis, skin disorders.

Cosmetic properties of whey

Wiping the face with serum has a noticeable whitening effect, if used with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice .

Redness and a rash can be reduced by making a 15-minute compress on the problem areas.

Burnt on the sun shoulders can be saved not only with cream, but also with a bath with the addition of several liters of serum. After the procedure, the skin will become softer and more tender, natural cleansing of dead cells will occur, along with the scalp will be saturated with life-giving elements, and hair follicles will strengthen.